
Attending an early seminar session at Sherwood, the TBLF ( Taiwan Business Leaders Forum - the transform body of Ecomonist Group ), invited by Michael as a regular guest -- every quarter I think, I send my regards in person to him and told him this is a rare chance for me to shower in the educational process while keep my English in sharp. as reported to Tokyo four years ago and working with all the local staff, I am afraind my ability in Listening and speaking may recress, this is the perfect routine to keep me in the Business English environment.

The session this morning related heavily in the Institution ITRI ( Industrial Technology Research Insititue ) in Taiwan, 4 speakers lead by the Chairman Johnsee, the 5 Ph. D do bring the " New driver in Taiwan's growth " a height in the room, but I do learn a lot from the presentation itself,
this is what I remark below:
1. You should test every technology / devices / display / files in advance, avoiding embarrsion occured in front of audience; especially when the topic related to technology or your are coming from one of them.

2. Don't look at the screen or stare at the PC while conduction your speech; try to perform full-time eye contact with your audience, or find a focus person and keep he / her as the indivisual you are spoken with.
3. Knowing basic information about your audience / target before the session.
4. Link with current affair / general interests , as take it as the opening angel.
Other Findings:
1. ITRI was established 30 years ago, currently it resturcture to 5 areas of business domain ( ? ), the breakdown of it's business / service is : 54% from the government agency; 46% form Commercial Business entity. ITRI hired more than 800 Phd.
2. From the statistic shows, in 2003, service sector account for 67.8% of total revenue in Taiwan, 30.4% from manufacturing and 1.8% from argriculture.
3. Theme for ITRI : How to move from follower to pioneer.
Roger :
1. the picture show the growth chart, they forecast a quamtum leap instead of increment leap, my question is, why not a " Frog leap " in between?
2. Creative Lab tend to be creative in every direction, but the photo is show disappoint me, this is still a " In The Box " thinking to me, what exceptional things Creative Lab do beside an interesting business card?
3. To promo an idea for Creative Lab, but not convincing enough, it don't have a clue to showcase what to bring in the year to come?
4. IEK is presented by another doctor, the dept. in charge of market reserch and consulting, to me, this is another Mckinsey or III.
5. Learning from IEK , quote from the speaker: " Taiwan is the master of manufacture excellency ( equivelent to Process Management. OEM, ODM )
6.ITRC ( Industry Technology Transfer Cencer ) presented in the third place, they creating value for the technology incubate or invented within the institution, it covered Patent, Transfer, Licencing , Patent trading. the presenter speak the most fluenctly English among all the speaker, I steal his idea of presenting the last slide, it shows " Concluding Remarks ", my extended versions are:
4. Last Slide; End Picture; Conclusions.
7. ITRI Colleage was the last presentation. the best part from the presentor wasn't short, although we were fooled by him when he told us the intention to make it short. the beauty of his presentation is the last slide, he credit it for Johnsee, Anology ( Metaphor ) ITRI college as " The Knowledge Service Dept. store " each floor can provide custom make service for targed segment. interesing ans impressive.
5. My last comment from the presentation itself: " Understand " itself is the single most important resouce we dispose ( Time ) and single most important competition tool ( Speed ) we ignore in the " Now Economy ", you may say " finding the campass is much important than chasing the clock", but who in the world now equip with the wisdom to tell us " The Real Direction " these days?
6. My comments from " Q and A " Session:
-- Education: there's no " Creative Thinking " from our childhood - score, number, ranking in class, extry examination, presure from peer and family, everything related to " Competiton. The chain of commend in the education system much change fundementally.
-- Leadership Training: Leadership development program is not a " Content ", it is an experience encounting reaction process. how to teach someone to be a leader, think about the word : Leader Ship.
-- Next Myth : always the debating of " What's Next ", why not bringing our focus closer and check the obvious " What's First ", the metality swift can change everything.
-- Protecting / Preparing a Better Tomorrow Today.
I must ended here to run for my next appointment. talk to you tonight.



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