
This is the mood of the day, M. didn't reply with any call when heard my personal appointment with him related to " Career ", it surprise me and make me feel sad; maybe all the rich and famous learn how to escape from the predictable troubles, or they are sensitive enough to smell anything they feel won't do good to them ? I don't know, I am 44, can't be too naive now, remember my " Independent 45 plan ", not only drawing the plan , but to complete and execute it; Chiarman spare his time for breakfast with me in a very quick reply, it surprise me also, as I should not deliver message of my flying out, I can only think of non-business related topics, this is kind of hard; Jean called this morning during my ping pong session, she want to meet me befor fly out to Shanghai tomorrow, as I disclosed the " consultant " concept to her, she is aggrestively digest the idea, so, tomorrow moring for breakfast is for " Truth finding", I had a lot of question, the first one is to map the " Consultant " - see if the defination we have in mind is the same.

Attending the executive dinner last night at Tien-Shang Lao, the best Hung Chow cusine in town, another no-English dinner, everyone speaks Japanese, the isolation didn't put me far away, I am used to it now, but as the dish wasn't arrange perfectly and I am still on the diet program, it's kind of boring for me.

Before the dinner, I tried on the Texido at the shop, my first Master of Ceremory experience is about to take off next Sat. this is a very intereting try on, the store manger gave me a couple -- a customer made talier couple, for buy one get on free. as I have no suit now, should measure my new shape -- a 9 kigogram disapper new shape, and reward my self a little bit.

Bringing M. to see Sony Music and check the possiblity of access the internet community / artist clus business again, over heard the SONY/BMG merge story from A. he is really a charactor, who told me in the world, Sony/BMG Taiwan is the first company to lay off employee, he sound like some medel decorated on his shoulder, the office have 4 persons, I don't know what his staff think when he said it loud to me, I knew it's tough, to keep the same top line ( the combined 2 company budget ) and can only increase 10 percent of the cost ( which means to reduce 90% of overhead ), it will turn this new company a hell. well, this is how digital / internet destroy the music industry.

Ready Fast Company , the creativity issue, learnd how Bill Core develop a company without organizational heriecty and invonavtedly invented new product with a team spirit, quiet inspiring. Sylvis talked about John Nash again, John thinks class will only make student dull, a very astonishing idea, doing thing differently make him and the game theroy a remarkable achievment, but we can only number a few of them, Sound don't like to be in class, Forest school satisfied his need, but I don't think a new Nash will born in my family.



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