
This is a recall memory for the past week, most likely, the 5 days window from blog is the longest break I've ever experienced; I didn't forget to keep my though, not in the blog page, but in my Clie or papers, now, I will tried to bring those memory back and dump it here on blog.

The war with Sound ended in the evening of Sunday, it gave my wife a new flesh for the trip the following morning, if the gesture stayed, I don't think she will put on any smile for the trip; sending Sound to school mini-bus on Monday morning, wife went home to catch up our package for airport, this is a sunny day, we unload all the burdon and troubles at home , take a light mood toward the destination ahead - Kenting; the plane landed by 11:00 am, as we need to take at least 2 hours bus to the hotel, we decided to find a place in airport for lunch, the inforamtion desk helps, the lady point out there's a " Chef Deng's restaurant " located at the International Termina. where we didn't know before, we walked to the terminal the first time and find the restaurant situated on the 3rd floor of the departure lobby; the beef noodle was tasty, finished it, we take Peng Tong Bus to Kenting; my wife sleep all the way to the destination, she told me she don't feel well when taking the long journey in a bus, a kind of bus-sick; I have no problem with bumble road and speeding drive. took out my NWHD-1, the music accompany to an afternoon nap -- Steve Perry's voice is my lubbay in the bus; I woke up in the middle of the bus drive, it is Fung-Liao, a country village near the sea, I saw many mobile cafe along the sea shore, the sun is shining, my mood dance with the sea, I feel relax immeidately.

We arrived at the hotle by 2:30, checking in, I changed to my swimming suit and enjoy my first swimming this year, losing 7 Kilogram keep me slim, the fat belly remove half, I feel light physically and mentally; we decided to take an early dinner at Keng Ting Avenue, 5:30 pm, we headed for the long awaited Southern Asia Restaurant - Teddy, we've been to Keng Ting for more than 10 times, this restaurat alwasys crowed, on Monday, we were lucky to secure seats for us, 4 dished, they were so delicious, after this, we tried the famouse pig foot restaurant and buy flesh fruit for desert; when returning to hotel, I suggeste a venture route to check the alley and lanes connected to the Avenue; then we find it, the real Southern Food restaurant -- The DiDi's, no wonder we see no foreigner / touist having their dinner at Teddy, because DiDi move to a new location, the old store were keep as the same deco and we mistaken it as the original DiDi, we feel bad, but we don't have room for any food, when approching and check the operating hours, Tuseday is the weekly day off for DiDi, which means we don't have chance to enjoy it on this trip.

walking back to the Hotel and check the mail, one staff suffer from a serious Heart problem, colleage send her to emergency and the surgery took place the following day, the mail said , this is the artery split from the heart disease, a very danger situation, the mail send next day shows that the operation went well, but last for 8 house, as the surgery take place a little bit late, she may need to take another surgery for recovery some artery in her back; another employee was suffer from the stomach disease, she went for the doctor also, I am feeling low when check those informations, I tried not to let it ruin my mood in the vacation, but It really hurt.
In order to catch up the feast of breakfast buffee, we woke up early and stay in the buffee restaurant for 2 hours. as we don't want to have a plan outing, walking distance trip is what we did in Keng ting, after breakfast, we went to Starbucks next door, Yes, this should be the southest Starbuck in Taiwan, we had our coffee, reading and talking for another 2 hours until another stroll to the Keng ting Avenue. we pick the old time favarote Sea Food restaurant for dinner, bought some stood food and walk back to Hotel.

I read a lot, think some and relax most of the time; following day, another great breakfast, bought a pearl neclace for my wife and heading for the airport, as we arrived early enough to catch the earlier flight, the perfect ending for the Keng Ting trip.

Thursday was a busy back to the office day, ISP 3rd lunch appointment was cancelled, rush to Regent for the MC briefing, I was asked to be the MC at YPO Christmas Party, Chairman's wife want to brief me the program and run down, after the seesion, monthly event of YPO held, Rob Rodin was the guest speaker from LA, the turn out rate was so low, they miss a great chance to learn the new things from Rob, yes, the trend is easy to forecast, difficult to catch, all the sexy next big thing is for shining your eyes. I take one of his book as sovirnier, a take home value so to speak.

Accept the invitation as the consultant for PTS, I discuss the annual promotion / brand building event with 2 chief, deliver my homework to Chairman and spend a few minutes update my idea with him.

a quick phone with Professor Chung, asking his idea of the University invitation, send message to Sam for ping pong session. prepare the second meeting with Rock Record and tried to catch up the blog. this is it, the recap of my last and lost 5 days.



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