
begin with what happen last night, the new members' dinner took place at the Red Lobster restaurant, this time, the other 2 new entries hosted the dinner, they didn't pick Regent as we normally did, they didn't invite A-Ted as the Nakase amusement backing, but hire anothe young person who most of the senior YPOer didn't know, but it doesn't matter.

I was late for about 15 minutes, those who arrived on time saw me , they begin to talk about my presentation last Friday; again, it proved that the self-introduction equeal to an impression management, I am glad the analical slides really pay off, as requesed by Euducaiton Officer, I have to sumit the copy for any members to take as reference; this is fine too, I should take it as the real token to the world of YPO. Mr. Tasi who were in foud of all the talk about and asked if he can get one file too, no problem of course.

Dinner began by 7:00 pm, although the food is excellent, I have to be deciplined to keep the diet program, one glass of red wine was what I consumed last night, Timothy sit next to me, we talked a lot of music, he is a music lover as well, we share a few and exchange a few. I promise to send him more information about what I am interesed.

Senior Chen was the star of the dinner, he took away all the glory from 2 young hosts, but everyone was so impressed by his openess, humor and passion; he told story about the good old YPO days , his current experience dealing across Strait and encourge YPOer's to be more open in such an event; as tradition, everyone must perform -- singing especially , the Karaoke and Nakase equipment was set and wait for the host to open, I didn't sing, but to tell a joke instead, D. neither sing nor telling any joke, the penalty is on bottom up of Single Mall. the party finished by 10 after 10 pm, a little bit longer than our normal gathering. 3 of our Forum members were there, we really had a good time.

forget to unset the mobile phone alarm, I woke up at 8:30 am in the morning, last for the ping pong session in Sat. morning the first time, Tom is MVP today and player of the week, he is so amazing, I only prform in the middle, we complete the game by 12, then I headed for the currey lunch, this is the longest lunch we had for about 4 years, I guess, I don't want to reconnect to the old scene but only wish to look forward, but, I need to somehow accept the exit and outflow of emotion, answering question about the importance, the position, the detail of feeling; I don't know if this healing session really helped, but as I promise to a longer lunch, I should let it flow and hopefully let it go. rush to Kingstone bookshop for the " Davinci Code ", Fruit said it was a great book, the socialogy teacher recommend them to read it, so I bought if for her, I want to read it also as it sold 200,000 copies in Taiwan, I should know what's the taste of the common readers in Taiwan.

Late last evening before went for the dinner party, Lam. visited my office to send the wedding invitation himself, we had a great conversation for about an hour, he told me how the marriage was decided in such a short notice and wish me to be the guest at the church, the Christain Wedding Ceremony is an important part in life, I promise him to go; then he updated me something about the KK, the on line streaming music service they provided, the only legismate online music steaming business, they are doing pretty good, when announcing the subscriber model in early Oct. using Hinet as the billing and collecting exclusive parner, they had average 500 to 700 paid subscriber per day, up to now, the total subs is around 20,000, after Chinese New Year, he will relocate to China and devleop the KK music there, getting marry and begin a new career in new market, this is a brand new life for him; I like Lam, sincere and honest.

me and my wife went for the second run movie tonight, we are targeted at the " Teminal " a Tom Hank's movie we miss, but the Evil Castle 2 wan't bad also, we enjoy both very much, Terminal related to a promise to his father and to the Jazz musci, Benny Gorson, when 88 visited Taipei , we talked about this legend also, 88 said he is recording his album also.

I accept the invitation to attend the ping pong tournament tomorrow afternoon at Regent for th Culb , losing weight help me move faster , I hope I can be a qualified player tomorrow for the team, although I didn't join the exercise with them for a long long time.



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