
This is a busy weekend recap; I should began with Friday evening; Friday afternoon was my very important day at YPO, my members' introduction sesseion took place at Rits Hotel, although I've prepard it for month and had a rehearsal the day before during the Forum, but you can't help the nerve come to you; I was list on the second introducter, next to Tseng, Tseng's presentation followed with photo slides, althougt this is not a well-structured format, but he told a very good story, the story about him and the company he built, this is a combination of a person start with a humble beginning and become a successful man story, audience will never sick of a motivated story, and will always respect those who fight their good fight and wind the tournment in the end; this is Tseng's story, acturally , his prentation moved me too, I wrote down his believe below:

「Do the things that nobody willing to do」「Earn the money that nobody willing to make」, on his last 2 session of presentation, he mentioned his " important person in life ", a very Chinese way to show his gratitude to those who help him gain what he has today. when I take over the microphone, I clear my throat and begin with the first slide, the " His Story of .... " draw audience's attention, the cite of " Long life is not good enough, but good life is long enouge " make them think again, the format I crafte for presentation is what they never think of before, creativitly making the power point tool an interesting interface to introduce one person, " Number in Life " raised so many laugh, until, then, I knew I had succefully win the respect and reconigtion among attendee; after the presentaion, almost all the members and their spouse approach me and show their sincere admiration to me and the prepartion I did, this is truly a pay off event, I knew the " impression management " I handled achieved.

waiting in Regent for Itoh-san's check in, run into Mr, Yu in the Sauna bath, we chat for about 30 minutes and I share the PTS and company's situation to him, we had an appointment to see each other when I return from Kenting. I have book the trip with my wife to Kenting from Nov. 29, lose weight deserve a beach vacation, to get rid of all the career puzzle, I need a relax mind to digest it too.

They checked in by 9:10 pm, we went to the Fish restaurant for dinner, 4 of us enjoy the flesh fish so much, the food win their first impression, after the dinner, follow with 2 Jazz Club tour, my friend secure table for us for the 2 venue, Brown Suger is the trendy spot in town, we stayed for an hour, since police is conduction a serach mission, the band can't perform at the searching time, this keep us wait for a hour, I don't really used to the club life anymore, smoke, noize, drink and people dressing in fashion, this is not my life anymore; the second club Club 75 is an newly opened Latin Jazz live house, my friend -- Drummer Mr. Lee co-own this club, we entered the club right before the performance break time, this kept us wait for another 35 minutes before the music started, we left the club be 12:45 am, return home at 1:30 am, I didn't stay outside so late for very long time. chat with me wife when went home, we talked about the introduction, we talked about one members' scandle and how his wife will handled it.

Sat. pick Itoh-san and the guest by 9:00 am, I arranged a Hot Sprint Musume tour to Bei-tou, the musume was convered by a old emplore's house, this house was used to accommodate Emplor's visit to Taiwan 60 years ago, and this is a very Japanese artichiture, they were pleased to see this interesting heritage, as the first meeting scheulded at 10:30 am, I bring them back on time for the first meeting with local promoter, what happen next is the promoter " No Show ", the arrangement by C. was not 100 percent confirmed, we all sit there and chat about the concert scene in Taiwan, when talking about Lisa Ono , who was the best selling performer in Taiwan, Aoki-san said to C. that he will honor to see this promoter, well, this is my call, I called E. right away and set up meeting in the afternoon for them, this great effort impress them a lot, acturally, I am not participate on any business activity these 2 days, but to spend time with Itoh-san, My best friend in Japan and be a good host, provide cars and driver, book good hotels, choose decent restaurant., but I do help them this time, I thanks for E.'s help without a " Why "

Launch at Ding-Tai-Feng compensate the lously morning, they eat so happy, I skip the venue tour and leave car to them, returning to meet they for the arrangement with E. I show up again by 5:00 pm, their second meeting didn't take place and E. arrived on time, I have to find a place to sit with E. and talk to her, thanks God we are good friend, this break the embarssmaent which might happend cause by the improfessional scheduling.

Aoki-san is very keen in letting E. know the artist he planning to bring over, when E. bring them the credit book, it impress them again, the meeting was short and I thanks for E.'s help again.

Dinner at Really on time, we relax and enjoy the great seafood in Taiwnese cusine, during the dinner, Itoh-san share a few inside story about music to us and his liasion with legendary Jazz artist, and how the label 88 was founded and built then. C. left the dinner earlier to prepare the Caberet which will open by 9:30 pm, 3 of us sharing and talking again, I am supprise to know that Aoki-san is 50 years old already and Itoh-san will be retired in 2 years, he is 58 now; before the desert served, Itoh-san turn his face to me and asked : When will you return to Music business ?, I was shocked and don't know how to response, yes, I have passion in music and have experience also, I didn't answer his question, but told him if he want to do his own music business, I will help him anyway in Taiwan.

we arrived at Living Room by 9:10 pm, the room was full of forienger, yes, more than 100 forenger, only 2 Asian ( exclude us ), Itoh-san caught cold on his way to Taipei, he dosen't feel well today, we decided to leave before 10:00 pm, on 9:37, my cellure phone rings, AJ called, I walked out of the crowd and take his phone, his message is so straight : Would you want to change you job ? as Forum members, I can't answer with fraud, when a Yes send to him AJ told me S. is concidering seeking a person to take up EZfly, he wound like to know my oppinion about it, if I am no interest, then I simply erase this conversion, if there's a change to follow, he will let S. know about it. this cold call ruin my very exhauslted day, AJ told me my presentation on Friday was so excellent that everyone is talking about.

Deliver the message to wife , she said this may be a sign of the messanger's message, next Wed. the information HQ bring may not be a positive one, and someone open th ewindow for me again, I shall feel relief, at least, there are a few roads ahead, compare with 3 months ago; I am feeling better and more confidence now.

if you only have one chance to present yourself among the influrenicial leaders, make every possible way to leave strong impression; prepare ahead, putting your heart and soul, deliver the best and perform the best, the New Members' Presentaion is such an example.



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