
Chair the Monday managers' meeting alone, COO had another meeting with Financial Administrator; I fixed the e-paper problem between 2 dept, the issue kept at a very slow solving pace which I don't know why; as I had coffee with managers in varies occation, but the problem lay there like a big stone; this morning, I moved it, I can sense smiles in some of the manager's heart, they finally see the executive dealing with problem and fix it with firm attitude; I don't want to overrule the authority of COO, but this morning, his absence make a great room for us. Fix it, I did.

COO join the game company's Golf tournament in the afternoon, this is the 4th anninverally of the game company -- our sister company in Taiwan; I stayed at the office and cosmetic my " Home work " for PTS; another impression management I perform when they receive my plan, I did it during the weekend, and can be seen as a month-long efforts; Chairman called by 5:00 pm to demonstrate his appreciation about my endevouse contribution. next week, we gonna see each other again. I would like to polish the INPUT before.

V. give me his professional critism about the logo issue, he is really the supervisor of the art / design, his points impressed me, I may use them to counter with the desiger at PTS.

Henry Cheng came for a coffee, this is another routine development. he broughe me a piece of paper, the idea and insight paper he wrote; again, his trend catching and profound intellence make him an unique person; I learn a lot when he go over those finding and share how those ideas come from; he is so opend to friend, this is what I like to spend time with him, no matter how busy my schedule is, I will squeez time to shower with his extraodinaray discovery.

The exploration session from Wired Magazine inspired me a lot, the confession of James Camoron telling the true story behind shooting " Titanic " -- the win the chace diving to the wrech site for discovering the ship - a 12000 under water; the courage of disapprove the " Risk adverse " and the adventure spirit from westerner; my reflection is : why we don't see Chinese / Taiwanes Great Explorer these days ? remember 600 years ago, Cheng Ho in Ming Dynasty who lead the fleet cruise all the ocean and been identifed the person who " maybe " discover American 50 years before Columbus ( the book 1421 - the year Chinese discover American is the story about this re-discoverey , compare with 1492 - the year mark for Comumbs ), this gave me an idea to reconcill and recreate the exploration spirit by making a series of documentary about those ancient heros -- making it a series in PTS.... I want to sell this idea to them next week.

Game company's anniverlly party take place at Formasa Regent, I was there earlier than other guest and run into an old colleage from Music, she joined the gamed company in Aug. a girl who I over heard suffer her emotion with her superior 5 years ago, the no one blessed office affair end up with the resigation of this young girl; she didn't know that I heard this story from other colleage wheh she left, but I didn't bring the memory back to her when chat with her at the dinner party.

COO asked how many kitchen at Regent? my answer is more than one, the food I taste at Noble House where YPO nomally conduct event was cougious, you never experience the same food twice, from presentaion to material and taste, but the dinner party cusine was not impressed at all; I am still on a diet program, no big deal for me; I am lucky to sit next to one of the Cable channel operator -- another sister company executive, he share lots of TV / Cable practice / knowledge and information to me; this is great, as no one knows I am sitting on the advisory seat for PTS, any information will help me play my role properly.

The dinner is OK, sourvernier is good, went home, wife found a great way to change Sound's Chinese name, with the same pronouncation and character, but one mor straw, we will turn everything around, with the " lucky straws " and keep the same meaning for him, she is too excited to tell me about it and willing to do it tomorrow; I support her decision, this will make her feel comfortable; every mother in the world wish any symbol can bring all the good luck to the beloved, no exception..... well, I do hope so.



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