
Secure basic living requirement for my next step of development in the morning, the breakfast appointment with J. make sure my value to her and the consoultance career is a vital direction; I am feeling relax a bit. when talked to my wife about it, she asked if the company I am working asking me to stay, what will I do ? I told her the " What If " scenario is too much to be considered, I should pass all the uncertainty and make my plan a action first; I can't wait and let my paper career plan comfort me for a moment, PTS and M.'s response were example demostrate to me, never take what if as the answer, walk my own way and deliver the value to the person who knows me better.

take a long afternoon nap, 3 hours plus I guess, Havn't been rest for such a long time in weekend, the make up of my lack of sleeping during week day will help me fight the good fight in following weeks; Eat too much last night ( maybe the triumph of Pan-Blue , the controlled over half of the Law makers' seat at the election yesterday ), and tonight; I gain one kilogram tonight, the retune of appetise is a bad sign to me, I should more careful about what I eat and how much I eat. the " Recipte of philoshoper " is the book I planning to read, it will keep me in the higt alert about my weight.

Sound is dong his " illustration story book " tonight, he want to enroll in the competition at school, the story he create is so interesting, the only thing I am not favored is his mother, who tried to polish his work and give him direction and logic of how to construct his picture book, I am not in line with her , but I didn't speak out, as to put Sound in Forest, we should respect the way he release his imagination and repsect the way he interpretate the world he see.



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