
It works; the long trip to I-lan for culture and creativity Forum pay off for a single word coming form the cikogopher and assistant professor in National Arts University; she said: Dancing is the nature born behavior from every person; every action / move is Dance to you; her comment about Dacncing and Improvisition at the Forum titled " Performing Arts " really inspired me; the paradigm shift help me do my best without boundries in the evening; when do my fist Master of Ceremony job and Dacing with Samba Girls for opening the party; It was thrilled and I win almost all the TPO / WPOer's respect -- they really think I am 100% devoted to what I am perfomring and give me highest score last night.

Taking the early train to I-lan yesterday, the train leave Taipei Railway Station by 7:23 am, I pulled out my HD player, listing to the musci while sleep on the train, it must be at least a hour of sleeps, the train arrived on time, as the administration office didn't mention which gate to meet up with the receptist, I checked out at the Front door, but with no one there, when called the contact, then they told me we should met at the Back door -- this is abnormal for a new person to a foreign place, but I follow the instruction, then they called and told me the receptionist drove to Front door for me, anyway,I finally got on the car, on my way to the venue in the morning -- the Traditional Arts Museum, I saw a lot of B and B , the person who sit in front of me talking to driver his comment about B and B, I don't know who he is, but it seems he is kind of opinion leader in the B and B industry.

TRM is really a great place, I was stunt when seeing such a great place in front of me, I am ashamed that as a consultant advisor to it, this is my first time here since it opened, what a great lost to me. as my forum session held in the afternoon, I sit on the first forum and be a good student with audience; then I know the person who sit in the car with me this morning, he is one of the speaker today. the first speaker Mr. Chen who running a cemetroy factory who turn it a creative industry model in Taiwan, she share with audience what she saw on her trip to Tokyo and how she digest the " Think with Hand; Make Knonledge Alive " and trun it to the topic of her speach; a great speaker and a great story to everyone.
Then Mr. Wu ( the man in the car ) deliver his speach, a very good one also, he who hold the Master Degree decided retune to his hometown Ching-Qua-Sher ( The Golden Mellon Stone ) 10 years ago and build the first B and B in the country side, he shared a lot of insight of 「how to make the living a business」, and how our government shall treat the small business unit a new development focus and to encourge young man return to his / her hometown establishing their own business and making every country ( 319 ) great B and B scene in Taiwan. I really in fond of his speech. we exchanged our business card, I am thinking of take a 2 days trip and stay in his B and B one day.

The afternoon session take place in front of an ancient temple, the open space forum is difficult to attract eyeballs, too many distraction and interruption in between, after lunch. we move to the location, the forum open with a local band performance re-arranged pop, they called themselves FM2, lead by a bold - Fat Guy with tatoo in both of his hands, it's hard to image he is a gangser or an artist, but the performance wasn't bad, then we know they run a pub call " The Blues' in Rotong and the tatoo guy who is a song writer, he have been nominated for Golden Song Award twice. whe he sang his composition " Moon in the sky " ( A Taiwansed Song ), I noticed audience were touched. the forum panalist sit back with the temple front door, the set up is interesting, after the forum, they gonna have their dinner in open space and enjoy the local delicacy such as stickly soup, peanut crispes etc. Miss Ko is the kilogrpher who inspire me in how to move my body at night, she opened as first speaker, Miss ( ? ) Chen run the second, she is the multimedia art specialist, combining dancing / computing / techonology / mutimedia into her play, this is quite interesting; there are 2 commentator at the forum panel, beside me, Mr, Yu who is a local musician and fold art development expert, he commend on I-Lan local art and taking a very intersting angel to the industry, he said, in I-Lan , a 460,000 population site, average 3000 people pass away per year, the traditional musical ( Bei-kwang ) will perform at the funel ceremony, the everage set to attend the funel is 2, each set consist of 15 person. the service charge per person is 1000 NT, so, it acclumuate more than 100 million NT for such a segment, not to mention the income they earn from the Festivals, so the industry itself sustain the developmetn of Local Folk Music scene, currently, I-Land city government is promotion a " Clean and Purify " funel ceneromony, they produced a CD with music for ceremony and all the citizen can get it for free.. the good will may jerpodise a 100 millions industry and dis-continue the incentive for younger generation to learnd traditional music. a very intersting point of view, this is a genuis I should contact in the future.

taking the 4:45 pm train back to Taipei, rush to Regent, almost all the members were there, I am surprise to see G. who just overcome ( well, I doubt ) the scandle caught by the gossip weekly; as my hosting time begin from 8:00 pm, I need to change my taxido and rehears with Samba Dancer, as I take a memo of the dancing steps, the rehearsal went quiet well, I make no mistake when opened the party with dancer, Ke. is a nice guy, although we didn't take any rehearsl, but the complementry role we perform on stage is a perfect match; I think deep for the ironic opening by receving a phone on stage, then the introduciton session of Ke, make people laughed, the 3 games we host make every members crazy and happy, I can see the smile on everyone's face, in the end, S.F gave me a warm hug and a kiss to the chick, she feel so proud of tonigh that I can see from her eyes, how she appreciated my fully devoted to the party and the role I play tonight, I know I did it again, my first time be a MC and my talent develop in a wider specturm then my expectation. share it with my wife, we were so happy.



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