
Complete the revised version of my YPO event in the morning, the updated version shows a development of solid program, then I rush to Regent present to co-workers and partners; Yen and Andy did a great job for me, as the true helper and friend, we talked nothing but how to make a great program.

Didn't expected the breakfast with Hochen came so quickly, the appointment set on Thursday morning, as I wish to go over the idea of " Social movement " by documentation and continue the craftman's folk art; so I did a brief plan in one hours; my effeciency is really a gift for me, it don't looks like a 2 hours single-brain storming; I am ready to convey my message to him on our breakfast chat.

Leslie lost his father yesterday morning, it turned out to the headline of the headline, it occupied 3 full page of today's diary news, as a prior partner and lost contact shareholder, I didn't know how to react to this situation, to send an condelcent letter by Chariman Y. is a must, to pay visit to show our respect need a decent manner of arrangement, flying over requied a seeing greeting, what if I can't arrange a meet and greet session, then what's the point to fly ove our Chairman?

Primary school classmate made an appointment with me to a sales talk -- insurance agent turn finaicial speciality; she is not convincing and my decision to greet her was due to a courtesy, I am not sure if I gave her a hardship when she tried very hard to present the product; she came 15 minutes earlier in order to take advantage of my time, unfortunately, I had urge my secretay to book only 30 minutes for us, if I need more relevent information, or it cause my interest, I will defenetly calling her again, the courtesy is for the alumni. although we were never been in the same class before.

Dinner invited by CFO / VP of Taiwan Head office, I. had a great itimacy with me and we found ourselves in the same taste and rationale in many things. he invited me to the American club, the casual talk point out HQ is really consider my qualification in devleoping market in China, and he will willing to support this cooking idea if my commitment level is high enough; we had a great time and I do feel recognised some how.

Home early to forward this message to my wife, we had our day dream all over again, how to take care of the aged parent and the kid in school. and how to accommodate the travelling and etc. nevermind, 30 minutes day dream will help us release from the anxicity and nervers; watching the CSI DVD chapter 2 after the career chat, the TV series have a much stronger logic back up then the movie we went yesterday - Ocean 12, no wonder Jerry Buckingham can be cheer up in both TV and Movie industry.

Calling Jay and check the panelty issue decided by the farewell committe, as they plan to announce a panelty clause for those who apply year end party but no show at the end, the panelty will up to 300 NT, we communicate on the consequences it may occured if we launch such a policy, I urge them to think how to trun penelty to charility, and consider a donation to South Asia Tsunami innocent victims; as everyone in the company should be fairly treated by each other when it come to a discussion of fridge benefit; farewell committe represent the voice from each dept. there shouldn't be a top down authority to exercise any penalty, I asked to to think it over before announce it.



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