
Forum yesterday was a short version, AJ was absence , a panalty of 10,000 fine was exercised, the strictly Forum regulation keep the displine of our Forum going without interruption; why it was short? because 3 of them can't stay for dinner, so we cancelled the dinner and keep the update and house keeping subject on the table.

What's surprise me is when S. T update the EZfly situaiton and inform all the forum members that he wish to hand over the company to me ? how I can response to it ? a few members relax and we decided to have a Hot Sprint Forum meeting on Feb 26.

Fruit cause great pain to my wife, the impact was I am in a typhoon, my wife didn't want to speak to me last night, I am kind of innocent, and I am a little be angry as well, whey the mother and daugher disagreement bring me to this difficulty? I can't be too naive to be a messager, it will only increase the trouble.

Frank joined our Sat. morning ping pong session, he is new to us, but we had open mind toward new members, after the exercise. ( by the way, I received the soon to be expired couple from GTS management office yesterday, when receive the envolope, I was so happy, but when open it, check the couples, I am really disappointed, why sending the obselence tickets to your friend and try to do a good PR ? The valid is date is Feb. 1, 8 days from now, they send more then 800 tickets to me, all of them expired on the same day, when you receive them, you won't feel happy at all )

Met with little roger and his brother for lunch, this is our quaterly gathering session, I choose THE ONE a designers restaurant in Chung Shan North road, little roger bring his girl friend to me the first time; his brother who worked in our company by little roger's encourgement, he engaged last month and plan his marriage in coming June; little roger is a marketing expertise, by taking this rare chance, I asked if he is intersting in doing a Federal global markeing plan for me, he take it as the home work and plan to submit what he think of for me, a bonus for this lunch.

lunch after, calling Peter to comfort Jasper at Shing Kong hospital, J.' father who suffer from the surgery and J. blame himself deeply, so, I decided to spend a few hours with him , as his father's situration getting better and better, the condition wasn't so critical now, he feel release and we have a great talk then.

Dinner with Yu Kwang is another great session, a few thing accomplished:

1. Sina - a chance to turn around with AIG.
2. Martin's missionary tour may come to a reality.
3. Knowing Jonathan's truami may cause by the short-period woking in Taiwan with us.
4. He is well and we do have a lot to share.

Chairman of PTS called during my ping pong session, the CTS seems to be in a good development, consult with Yu kwang and .....



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