
I am deeply touched by the Programs designed at our 4th Year End Party, I never expected that talented staff and creative colleage full of the house, they let me hear lots of voices, such as : How good they are and how they love this company; the compelling finding keep me thinking for a long long while, I am honored to have such a company and people sorrended.

I am not going to address too much detail about the party, the brief is : Location, Mirema Mall - Ta Ta U restaruant, date : Jan.14 from 6:30 to 9:00 pm, I donated 35000 NT as the prize for the lucky draw, Lawson came to me and show his respect from his heart. Jerouse from the guest we invited that night.

I am so happy.

Ice break with father take place for lunch today, we regain the initamcy to a certain degree, I can't be selfist and rationale to a 81 years old man. I am happy too, it happened to be Sound's birthday.



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