
COO went for another business trip, he took trip quite offen in this quarter, more than usual, I knew he is planning his own future and I am not surprised as all; be the gate keeper, I begin with the rubber stamp procedure this morning, " To invite shop clerk for year end party and close our shop earlier for Friday " is the emergency doucment in front of me, the communication between sales manager and COO were copied to me late last night, I feel this is a conditional approval, without thinking further, I sign on the document. after lunch with Linda - Head of HIT music - home to the artist Power station and S.H.E; F and A manager urge to meet me for 10 minutes, she raised the issue of the very short notice of inviting more than 30 people to the year end party will bring unimaginalble trouble to the warefare committee - who in charge of the year end party; My second thought is someone want to breaking the rule, but a collective power asked me to stop it; I told F and A manger., if this annoucement didn't release yet, I will tried to suspend it, if it goes out already, I will seek a way to mild the situation and won't let it bring addition emotion and workload to the committe; the session after is the coffee with Sales Manger; before our converstaion, he confessed that this petition was escalated from the sales office , because he should let the voice up to the management team; but he fully understand the administration office will be painful, so, he will not insist on exercise this alternative; I only asked if we didn't invite the shop clerk to the year end party this time ( same as before ) will that cause any commotion or even riot? the answer is NO, so, we waive it and wait for next year; I also promise them if my schedule is allowed, I will join the shop front party with them.

The session with Sales manager is critical, he worried, worried about the future of the company, the changing of management culture and the confidence to bring positive result next year, the goal and direction to him are not promising; I asked where the idea comes and how he sense the change of the culture; he mentioned that the project system we launched is a formationism, we do really check the feasiviblity and capibality, only foucs on format, schedule and other non down-to-earth business issue; I reply to him that displine is the key to bring efficeincy, we have to make our people used to the tools before it internalize to the self-initaitve power, it take time and minioring before we get rid of all the rules, the concepture of the project is a pain we have to sbsorub, as no one knows the new model will work or not, but to keep the faith and to think hard and simulate to a better picture is what we can do now, a monumure before war is necessary; then he told me the truth beteew Corpartion and manager devlop problem, why they can't deliver the budget on time is due to they can't access to the imformation related to the completion of budetary, why a manager can't access to the number they required to finished a precise budget ? he also echo the voice from Marketing manger, My answer to him is " I don't know they encounted with this problem? " if I knew it, I will break it, I don't mind the transperency in the information exchange, I always think our manger know more is much important then leak out to our competitor, no one can imitate someone by check the document or figures. I told them come to me whenever they facing such a problem. we should not buliding wall between people. the last question is concern about the culture change of the company, I asked why, becaure I sence nothing change, I follow the believe of corporate culture was bulit by the people who work together, no by the one who receive a higher position , and I don't think there is only one culture in one company, should be multiple and colouful; then I dig out the problem, this is due to the panaty clause annouce yesterday by the warefare committe, in order to keep the ? they annouce to all employee that if one apply for year end party won't fail to attend without decent reason, he or she will be fined 300 NT, the panety really demostrate a bad feeling to the employee; I remember when told the committe member not to use panety for controlling of the budget or displine, can be more creative such as : Make it a donation to South Asia disartar, or those who didn't show up with approved reason should prepare a program for everyone one in the following year end party; I am not favor with this but I don't know why it announced?

J. - specially assistant had a review plus conversation with me in the morning, he told me that more than one manager feel that I will leave, devoted myself to NPO or opportunity outside?he would like to follow me, I apprecaite his willing to treat me as the mento, and told him a few senerios below:
1. If Sony asked to to join other entity or devleop the corporation out of Taiwan, I may leave.
2. If nothing changed, I have to working hand in hand with you and COO to transform the So-net operation from now.
3. If Sony doesn't need my service anymore, then I have to think my way our, to be independent or finding other career.

for above 3 scenarios, there's no way he should consider leaving, in additon, I told him the impace about leaving of PR / Ad assistant manager, we all learn from the hard lesson, never deliver message on behalf of someone, and never deliver message which won't bring good intention to the listening party, I share with him the article I learn year ago from Scarlatee - The ancient Greek philoshopher.

Lunch with L. and get to know her better, she had the heart to contribute on culture and non-profit zone, which make me happy, same as David who we had lunch on Monday, now I have resource on hand with big media effect to turn my Snow Ball project a good one.

J. Lu Fan is the person I see after lunch, the tea house she choose is located in Chung-Kawang Park, We notice this antique tea house for a while, but didn't try their cusine before; the tea time experice is good in term of the people I met, but the ambience is bad in terms of the service, the waiter and waitress seems don't understand both English and Chinese, anyway, the chat with J. Lu is fantastic, she had a idea of musical production with the theme " Campus Folk generation " with Chris Babeda - my long lost friend, I am sense this project with be a good one. why invited her for a tea ? this is because when sending gift to friend, I check my cabinet and found the cardh she gave before, with her writing and the photogrape she took in Menchanster, I love it , second, she is the manger of Sino and friend of Jerry, this is how we knew each other, the idea of Financiang music came to my heart, I think it will turn out to be a great project and money generator.

I was really mad last night when wife told me the plan to follow my father and spend Chinese New Year in China, I switch off the light, yell at her and asked her why not think on my shoes ? my father accuse me with no filial twice, never compare me with his friend's son, why why why, my wife want to join his team? never think my feeling, I was so angery, and she walk out our room and sleep alone in Sound's room; I never understand why I should be peace with this, I don't want to, I will never regret about what I insist to, this is me, she owe me an apology, she don't need to be the cataylist, why leave my mother home with me? why ? so selfish, the more I wrote, the more I hate, why can't I have the feeling of hate, why.



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