
I deployed myself too much non-business missions, it kept me busy, the blog habit can be carried out on time, I will like to corret this wrongful doing.
Return to office earlier than before, save half day for diary operation and having a coffee with P. a 3 years old veteran in the company who's consider leaving, she told me when seeing the video on the big screen last Friday, the old man recall the good old days -- the memory them love to select and keep ans with sight and sorrow, those days will never return, when P. told me how she look at a company as a person and tried to analye her charactor, I interupted her and said, now what she see is no " A person " but a " Collective of a Giant " , We can hardly see the whole picture of her, so, to judge the change by its apperace or by what we know, the limitation will bring us to the wrong result; I knew I answered almost all of her question; so, we turn to her second question, she will pursue her study abraod to England in Mid-Summer, then we talked about the Snow Ball Project and then the " So-net 2 " idea cames out, to speed up the devlopement, why not establish a totally new entity like So-net 2 to focus on the community / b and b / NPO / Organic Techonology and feed it to So-net One, the platforma and machinism machine ?

Return from the Home Stay -- The Cloud and ?, Ah chen who is the host hostipatally greeting us last night, we - me , my wife and Sound arrived there by 2:00 pm after our vendor venture stroll at Kee Long night market food street, although I am badly sick and just see a doctor, but I can't resist the seduction of delicious street food, nevermind, I ate 3 LuLo Fan with 3 different soups, the result is rushing toilet after eating.

arrived early and saving one fire, this coincidenct make me happy, Sound finished reading his book, asked me to bring him out to play, as a father , I have to, walked out of our little cottage, I saw a fire next block, it bured weird, First I thought there are someone buring the trashes away, but then I notice something different, the fire is approaching the Public Telephone booth, it will soon egnite the wiring system, I knocked the door and asked if anyone buring thing, old lady / one man came out, they are so scared and put off the fire, greeting and apprication were without saying,,but I then realized this is the house of the host, the old lady is his mother, so, I am doing good with my kid yesterday.

we met by 5 pm, A-chen take up a Ching Qua Sher culture trip on his 4 wheels, Kee Long mountain, Tea Pot mountain, War Prisoner Camp, Lily Cliff, Hot spot for night view and one georges tea house call " Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winder ", dinner at the house, we talked about how to build a cyber commucity on top of his real-world communicty. a nice guy, but as My wife warned me, don't talk too much and don't tried so hard to sell yourself, you are in the postion to be know, no need to do the hard sales.

The day before, a EMBA classmate reunioned took place as 33 house - a creative Japanese restaurant. we talked and talked, Li- keep her mysterious to us, someone change the name and style, David devleop his career in Pataya....

Had a birthday cake before the dinner with EMBA classmate. Sound is 8 years old now.



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