
100 Songs - The book I plan to public this year is getting more solid; with a broader idea, I invited a few friend in different area to build a stronger base; Yu-wei, the singer song writer and paiter who agreed to put his art work in each and every articles; Jerry - Owner of number one flash animation firm agree to extrate a fews of the article and make it an animated drama for me; on top of that, I am thinking to have some music flavor ( original maybe ) for the book -- Jerry / Yu-wei are on that list.

the book itself is a reflection of what I learn and experience for the past 4 decade, a nontagia of 40 something, a conversation with oneself in a long halt; I am expection a publisher to make it a book, how to cook this idea is a key for this. A press party with my Forum member's appearance is what I am expected.

Dinner last night was great, the COO, CFO from Japan and me - Taiwanese get together for dinner every quarter keep for about 2 years, I've introduce a few traditional local restaurant to them, last night, my first visit to the legendary Hung Yi was a good surprise; I host the dinner and order the food by the recommendation of the owner - who speak very fluent Japanese and very hostipality; the garlic steam lobster , Miso soup and rice noodle mix with lobster source was so delicious; during the dinner, I learnt that Korea operation is in a mass, the earthquake of changing management bringing one of my associated Yoon to the top management table, a music veteran as I did before, speak very good Japanese and graduate from Harvard, he finally get what he want, what I heard from CFO was this is a power play and in kias.

Had a long conversation with wife before go to bad, tell her the 2 projects I am thinking of : turn Kororo to a public listed company, seeding the local musical " The age of Campus Folk ", this may be a turn around for everyone. I should acted as consultant and focus on these project.



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