
I didn't expect Ming Shang Pao will publish the story swifty, the news was informed by Sky - a friend and artist, he called me during my ping pong session late last evening; urge my wife to check the news at the sports club lounge; it seems the reporter doing a good job, she highlighted title as " The sycological ADHD " , this is the label I put when we had the interviewing seeting on Friday.

Attend colleage alumni - classmate reunion on Sat. I brough the entire family there, my wife want to see a few of them, those who we met close to 20 years , some of them I even invited to hav hot pot at my wife's house, by then, she was my girl friend with nickname " Little girl ", the reconnection with classmate was great. I have participated on varies group / club / association now, can easily identify the quality of each group, I warn myself not to positon myself in wrong group if I really want to into some group. the colleage reunited is a rare situation, some classmate told me they only see me from newspaper or watch me on TV, I don't really admire this recongnition; our first grade teacher attending our gathering also, when I asked him about the impression I made to him ? he is so honesty, he have no idea who I am, he even show his apology to my wife, I don't really mind, but I reflect it to how I spend my colleage days. a very normal / simple / ordinary person, and how I climb the corporate ladder or obtain social regonition these years ? well, a good family and the message I send to all classmate, a bias and supporter in the family, My wife.



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