
I wrote a lot recommendation letter / referal letter to my prior / current employee these days; 2 of them were pursuing acdemic study - post graduation study overseas, one is to obtain local Master degree in the area of Adminstration and Huam Resource; normally, I will asked those who approch me to draft the letter, if I knew them more, I will revise the letter and flavored with my tone; if I am not familiar with the person -- well, in this case, I should not be the recommendator so too speak; I may simply asked if the letter have been corrected by English major specialist, if the answers is YES, then I might simply sing off my name; I never receive phone / mail to double check the recomendation letter from the university; so, I didn't know if the recomendation means anything to the applicant, this is as simple as what I did before.

Invited to Kororo year end party, a very itimacy one in a Hot Pot resturant, it located at Tain Mu, I was there on time, thanks for my drivers' knowledge in choosing the route, this is the last week before Chinese New Year, you will easily tramp in the traffic; I saw Eric there, We havn't see each other for more than 4 years, I remember 3 years ago, I was asked to contact him for a product endosement - A Viao I think; as this is a courtesy request from Head office, I dial him for several times, there's no response, he didn't answer me at all, I don't understant why, am I too straight ? or am I too naive about the relationship ? it leave me with an unpleasant imprssion about him, but seeing him last night, no one mentioned it, I didn't challenge about it and he seems totally forget what's been through before, it gave me a lesson that I might ignore someone before and totally forger what I did, so , beware you don't really know when and how you create an emeny of yours.
886 is the new flash animation KORORO is planning to lauch this Friday, a brand new concept and drawing touch other than Eric's animation series, I play high hope on this series and wish them can develop a road on their own. Met Miss Lu at the dinner, urge her about the Folk Era Musical Project, thank her for re-connect me with Chris and the converstaion she mentioned about P. Chang - Hey, this really surprise me, whe Lu told me they met, I response with the dinner I hosted the other day, then we talked about the LSO project - Searching, she is totally disappointed about the result and said it to me that the irresponsibilty of P. Chang turn the great opportunity a fail to his career, this is the first time I had the critic's show her honest expression about the project to me, the sales result wan't pleased, this is fine, but the artistic scale wasn't meet its standard really surprise me, as I plan it 8 years ago and connect the project with top 10 symphony orchestra in the world for fulfilling the dream of a Chinese composer.. yes, I suffer from the late and shock situation in London, but I didn't awared that it didn't gain decent credit for P. Chang; Lu's honest bring me new aspect about our endevouse good intention. how to check the " Art " " Accountibility " " Trust " before you reaching out your support?
It reflect to me the night with Dirctor Chang - Liuliquafan and his response to my business client approch -- 「they only dilute the value of the product, it become the gift-to-send instead a collectable item market,」 on top of the demand supply issue, we can't supply art peice in factory concetp; so, nitch is always a nich, with a company scale up to 900 people, the total revenue reach 700 millions NT only, this is a long and wilding road.
「The Peerless Love」 is the book I read for last two days, it list our 13 remarkable lovers - ironic / artistic / reputataive / controversal who we knew ( most of them, but not all of them to my limited knowledge ), the common grounds are : they were all famous in their artistic arena, no male or famale superior; the age gap is much wilder than the mental gap ( to some extence, the book tried to provoke a no-mental gap gesture ), the love each othe so much.... The rare and only love to be talked about, Do I have one ? if I reach the status as them ?
It's one week from The Year of Chicken.



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