
The morning session in GIO prove that ethic and reputatiton shining the halos, I was elected by all judges to be the Chief Commisionar for the 16th Golden Melody Awards; this is my second time invited to take the judge seat but being elected as the Chairperson the first time.
When walked out of my house this morning, I had a feeling that the first meeting today will lay another milestone for me, I was right; althrough before the meeting, session chief inform me about the ideal candidate, I accepted it but when the person arrvied, she surrendered, this is due to the credit I earned for the past decade, he knows the to nominate me instead of taking the helm will make the thing move much easier; I accpeted it and chair my first meeting afterward, shorter than the scheduled meeting time, my efficiency and sophisitation leave impression to those who don't know me in person.
as told my wife before, if I was elected to be the chief commionar, I will wear my texdo the second time at the award ceremony, this year, it will be held in Kao-Shuang, I have every confidence to make this panel process the best practice.
Lunch with Professor Chuang, the Chinese New Year gathering for us, I choose Kao Yui - an intimacy sushi restaurant for us, sitting at the shshi bar, I updated him the current situation I've been through, how I treated MTV, the Tokyo moves and CTS chances; only way up is what he told me, I hope for the best, but with a mild mind ready for the worst.
Testing at How-young restaurant for the YPO event, a group of 8 go over the detail on the event and we reach most of the conclusion and with the approve of Education Offier, the budget can be up to 90,000 NT. I have to thanks those who contribute their effort to the event. I owe them too much and I should return the favor after the event.
Having mutton hot pot for dinner, I had the desire for lots of meat, I knew it wasn't healthy, but my mind lead the way to the restaurant, I am full and I need to meature my blood presure tonight.



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