
Taking care of Mini Event for Andrew, the ocarina player Y-Chi really make the event shining, the prior speech wasn't excited at all, wrong topic for wrong target in wrong timing, fortunatelly, Y-chi become the hero among kid and adault.

The night before, I attended the Winds' record year end party, bringing the PS2 mini as the lucky draw gift, I happen to see Yi-chi there, I vounteeringly introduce myself, however, he was pretty much concentrate on the program he brought for the party, so, I seems he ingore my presence then, as I fully understand the mind of an artist, So, I do save my breathe and returning to seat, I found the programs arranged Winds employess were creative, agian, it reflect my experience at our party, the consclusion is never under-estimate the innovation / energy / passion / talen of the people surround by you,.

Having lunch with owner of Winds and lady boss of Trees, I love to share with them, this time, Mrs. Chung arrange a great Muslum restaurant for us, I love the food there, Winds Yang raised the issue of inviting me as the consultant for the company after new year, it match my career theme " Independent 45 ", so I accepted it without negociating on any package. I might also taking trip to Shanghai for a lecture , arranged by them,. so see what happen.

Bringing entire family to 2 YPO events, we had a stereo type of how to " Control " Sound's behavior and Fruit's manner in front of all the guests; no matter how I soficiated with the golden rule of " Parent Efficetiveness Training ", you just can't escape from the embarrasing situation happen when your kids perform naughy and can't sit still as others; well, I need to learn more, but how to let others' understand that We are holding differerent standard to our kids?

Forum Family Dinner were excellent, I am happy that the between family mingul taking place smoothly, although my wife is too stiff and nervous and couldn't sleep for 2 days, but we manager to be there as normal as possible.

I love the life now, today is the last working day before Chinese New Year, I have HR to announce an early day off surprise to all employee, although we were half empty in the office now, but a good surprise is good for everyone.

One guy came from Tokyo who we will take as the advisor for a year, when talking with him about the future, I throw out an option 2 - what if he stayed or wish to stayed more than a year- what will the company structure like ? he is kind of deep -- I mean a very suble feeling to me, so, I may only discussed it with A.-san when visit Tokyo on next Sunday.



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