
Inviting my secretary and driver to lunch today, I choose a restaurant not in the Park, it gave us a more relax ambient; the lunch is fine, what I hope to achieve is to show my gratitude to them , who help me in my persoanl and professional life for the past year, by end of the lunch, I give them red envelop, A Chinese way to show your sincere thanks you to those who close to you.

I heard from my wife that Kirk may plan his regination in April, he feels that to be a driver for 7 years is too long for a young man, I agree with his career decision but I need to tell him how to achieve it without fail. he take some cooking lessons and have a plan to obtain chef certificate , the examine will take place in March. I wish him success also.

Conduct recreation before home, a nap and a revitalization gave me new energy, I follow with publish my bolg in Sound's mathmatic institution. a new and interesign experience.

Get the PSP home, I will check how it attract people, bring back one cartoon of CD for the I-Lan trip. must be lots of fun.

Trip to Tokyo fixed, I had one and a half day free, my do some of my planning there.



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