
Lost contact with C. for the week, I feel stranged, tried call her mobile duing the break of Golden Meloday award judge discussion ; the voice mail shows that the number is no longer in service, this keep me wondering for a while, she had the record of disappearing for long time, years and months, we were lucky to be reconnected and keep the each other posted for year, but it happend today, I am wondering why. send her a mail instead, hope she's alright, at least, by Sat. I will find out what's going on.

A very long GM panel meeting today, the meeting ended 2 hours longer then the scheduled, but this is good, every dicision made shall have a well round / in depth discussion; indie and mainstream have a big fight today, it's a 50 - 50 situation, tomorrow afternoon. GIO will announce the nominee and we will feel the presure coming over.

Before the discussion, I informed all the attendee the importance of nomination, I raised a question to 22 judges by simply asked : why almost all the important award, when nominee annonced, every candidate will say " to be nominee is indeed a recognition ", so I preach to all the judge to follow 3 prinspal : The width ( a market view point ), the depth ( the artistic view point ) and warmth ( the meida reactions ) and advise everyone is the nonimee list wan't satisfy all the related industry and entilty, we will be accused for 43 days, if we come out with a decent list, then even by the final judging day, when the winner annonce, we may only be challenged for a day. I am not sure how my wording influence people, but I honestly told them, I am here to influence you and have you to digest what I said.



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