
H. called around 9 pm while we had a quarrel with Sound, he raised his temper again, ignoring others feeling and sensitive about any word his parent delivered; the eruptiion of his temper turned us to think more, if he can't change his character, we see the misfit forturne ahead of him, we feel pity about his character , but can do nothing, changing take place not but others' force, but come from one's self-dicovery. Forest shool provide him a shelter, we are not sure if torelence is the good way to accommodate his bad temper, if this is the only solution, once he gradulate from the school, how can he accept the world outside and how can he take more pressure toward him?

H. called because of my message before, J. told me the other day that H.- my old time colleage develope a cancer and been through a very touch kimotheraphy; I was shocked then, this is the 4th or 5th colleage who suffer from cancer; H. worked with me some 6 years ago, when COCO renew her artist contract with us, I promise her to set up label for her and to take care of her career, she was hot then, every accommodation we did were to please her and her family, the label EPIC - is , so to speak, a slaver department to satisified her dreams in artistic development and stardam dream. the label didn't grow well as we only focus on handling / pleasing one super artist, then he was replaced with disappointment....

We met once at the airport, he seems like the old days, a very light greeting then, he called , I am happy to see that he if fine with his current situation and star working again, I am suprised to know he is the man behind the successful story of " 12 girls band " and wish him all the best.

A. send me a mail mentioned that she got an offer in Taichung , near her hometown, I am happy to learn it also, initatially, I wish to establish one company for her, now she make up her own mind, the update will continue and I wish her all the bes.

Y. send SMS on the agreeable date : 10th of evey month at 7:45 am, another cancer patient who is my primary school classmate, the greeting from her always with positive mood, this is what we call the value -- a positive impact to a thing or man.



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