
I don't feel comfortable to hire a friend's relative to be my driver, this just don't feel right. Do I know my friend well ? yes and not, I miss the 15 years of his life in German, I never consult his friend, I know none of his family. I should not be so itimancy with him; so, I should not accept his idea of having his youngest brother to drive for me.

Second reason is : he had a job now, not a driver, to take a driver's job is lower his social position in the career development map. if he don't think this is a lower development, then I have a greater obligation to make his job better , and I have to consider a drivers' career in our company or be with me; this is a wrong rationale also.

Third reason : I don't know how long I will keep a driver with me, this recruitment if done with the standard procedure, then I don't mind when to let go a driver, but if the recruitment is a mix up . then I can carry a burdon more then simply hiring a driver.

H. is too sensitive, nothing right or wrong, change the meal is not what I want, but this should not be in top of my agenda. any hiring for driver should accomodate to my schedule. he is too sensitive, this is anothe factor keep me from hiring him.



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