
I didn't pay attention to my mail yesterday afternoon; when you receive mail via your handheld device; for example, I use my P900 - The samrtphone to do it. I am not aware of a mail send by my Japanese colleage and forwarded twice by COO, as it was in Japanese. until late evening when return home and finish my late supper -- The Red Face Duck hot pot; I open my email account at home; it's midnight already; then I was totally shocked by the message they send; my direct report, the Chairman of the company stepped down, new Chairman will on board by April 1.

the day before yesterday . that's a Wed, he flew over here to participate our Kick-off meeting, do a new office tour and attedning the farewell dinner with 3 of our directors who will either retired or transfer back to Tokyo. During the dinner, he acted as an insider disclosed information about HQ's change and the possible power play in between. it seems he will gain even more control over the network business.

The same evening before farewell dinner, I signed the extended employee contract with him, another 2 years service to the company with a pay raise 7 %; and one of the executive officer accompany with him advise us from April 1, our reporting line will changed again, the superior entity will gone ( remember the President who I reconnected in Tokyo via the friend in the Music Field ? ), we will then direct report to him, we were happy , as streamline reporting with Chairman of the board, who understand our development and support our new iniatives..... But no one know this executive change will come so suddently; although rumours around spread aboout his potential replacement and it may happy by coming Oct. when the parent company conduct its 10 years anniverally party -- a very good timing to announce the tranfer of power, but it comes with no early sign.

We shall go over a few turbulance since the change of Chairman will defenitely impact on our business below : the replacement of Chairman of the board, clearify the new reporting line; present and brief the company stutas and new approve budget new Chairman, preparing a statement and announce to our employee, prepare a PR statement for jourlist's inquiry. smooth down the uncertainly ambiguity it may created; and most of all --- Think very hard about my future with the company.

PTS Chairman called again, he reinforce the corporated intention and devleopment, I am happy that he is so cared about what he is doing and I am please to access a new opportunity now, PTS 1 and PTS 2, they may calling me in short, I should be ready - when they are ready.

Henry Chien wasn't happy when I called him up after the mini-forum at J.'s house, as it was too late, I have to cancel our appointment, I don't want him to wait for another 60 minutes and I don't want to be so late, he really upset, yesterday afternoon, We had a make up appointment at Sherwood, this is after my 2 consective meeting at the same Hotel - YPO kick-off / out program design. and met with an old friend who runs a ISR second type telecom. Henry is a very interesting person, as my wife was quite satisfied with the skin care product his company ( himself so to speak ) devleoped, as I was asked to get the product whenever she running out of it, we feels uncomfortable and tried to compensate with money, when I present the envolope, he is so angry, well, this is him, I had to take it back and told him, there will be a day I can be of help...........



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