
Bring AJ to see Dr. Wang this early afternoon; as this is my first week without a driver; my wife came a long way to pick me up at my office; our experience told us, we need lead time for the " missing route ", surprisely, this time, we managed to get to the hospital as Shansha a hour before the meeting time; Dr. Wang attended our mini Forum last Thursday, AJ missed him, but we finally see each other; by 11:30 am, he called and tried to cancel the trip, the presure come from the unpleasant experience in a health check up a few years ago. the shadow lay in his mind until now.

AJ win, we didn't process the stomach check, instead, a super sonic belly check was taken place, I don't see a big point forcing him to take up the invented examine; Dr. Wang's prescription was expensive, 2000 something, to my knowledge, this must be a superb medicine to cure.

I didn't sleep well last night, it seldom happen to me, lying down by 2 in the morning and woke up at 6:00 am, I arrived at the office before 7:20 am, finishing my speech file for Thursday, this is the Shanghai School of Music invitation. what bothered me? money, as the investment will soon be exercised, I need to collect at least 4 millions NT from my pocket, without further support, the investment may result to a lost of my only property - to be more specific, the house owned by my wife; it keep bothering me... until this morning on our way to the hostipal, wife told me, this is no way out, we must take this risk now; I know, but how to avoid jumping into the hot water without testing the temperatur ?

Yesterday, the family trip was a good one, we conquer the naughty Sound - this is a strange coincident, whenever we plan a outing / trip, one of our kid will erupt out their temper, the result is delay and comfort for hours; yesterday, no exception, when his mother complained about his incorporation and use an meterphore of " Invisible Man ", Sound raised his emotion; finally, we got to Keelung for the Temple street night market, following the lunch, we take the Pacific Coast Highway route, stop by a cafe by the sea near by Fu-long, we rest and reading for 2 hours. on our way home, consume seafood at Bitouchio turn to be the happy ending.

Sat. night, brought Sound to the Japanese animation film " Steamboy ", the drawing was good but the storyline wasn't impressive, to be honesty, this is a poor story, I falling asleep during the show time, wife mad about my absenct again and wasting our money. I don't understand why, I occacationally falling asleep when watching the movie, it seldom happen to me, am I too old ? too tired ? or didn't pay enough attention?

Friday, attending the second YPO kick-out party prepartion meeting, J. and little Fat were so amazing, the script they created for the graduation was so excellent, it go all the way with green light; J. told me that to hand over share of the company to my wife from E. wasn't that difficult, I ma excited to know that the development is getting somewhere...



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