
Returned from Shanghai yesterday, visiting this metro - always changing city twice in a month, brough my wife with me twice, eating at the the same restaurants twice the same night; these are unusual experience to me.

The main purpose of visiting Shanghai was to particiapate on the Public speech - a forum of " Commercial Music ", we were invited by Shanghai Conserviery of Music - a government music instituion established in 1927 by Dr. Tsai Yuan Pei; this is the first time they invited commercial music specialist from Taiwan to a open forum; as I treat it my first public speech in China, so, prepare it quite early and come up with a macro- perspective subject " The Music Industry - Its Yesterday; Today and Tomorrow " -- the fact is , I delievered the worst ever speech in my life-- there's no excuse that I wasn't have time to rehearse, I should not attend the President's lunch which squeeze my time to none, I was so frustrated after the speech, during the 2 hours windows from the penel discussion, I went back to hotel with sad and sorrow -- I was so low, even think of crying.... Thanks to my wife, who encourge me so much and advise me my ultimate gaol is not to be a Professor, what bother to keep this feeling inside ? she comfort me and urge me to face another challenge -- at the panel , there might be no question for me, don't feel embaraass or suffer again.... I fully take her point , adjudge my mood, I prepared myself and walking to the shool by 5:10 pm, I took the wrong lane and almost miss the opening .

Thanks for my wife and the student who raise his hand -- asking me my background, it gave me a chance to confess -- to confess that I wasn't perform good in the early afternoon and confess that I should not deliver too much in 90 minutes which making both of speaker and audience lack room for digest......... the panel discussion is a turn around, I win back all the confidence form audience and teacher, I know I did it almost perfect and I feel released.....

we took the early flight as the first time, arriving at Pu tong by 1:30 pm, the school sending a car to pick up me, we were arranged to stay at Dung-Hu Hotel -- another legenary premise owned by Du-Yueh-Shen in early 19 centery - I read about his story when I was young, a rascle / a big mafia in early Ming Ko in Shanghai, who also helping Chaing Kai Sheng win his triumph in China as the first President. I am happy to stay at such a histroical place.

J. took me to Chang Ching and see a few important person - Land Developer, Thompson group, chief representative of Governor - we had the first dinner together, I host the dinner and invited all the music friend to the old Ching - She restaurant - the food was so great....

following morning, a very early moring breakfase with Chi and Ting, she agree to have a even permenate future with us, I bring her to see J. and spend the whole morning with us, I shall follow with a lot of star up -- Chang Chin creativity industry base is the idea place to put Kororo.

Dinner invited by director chang yi and Hue-chang, my friends and all the speakers were there, Chang hosting the dinner at his one and only restaurnt TMSK for us again, the new traditional music performance was faburous, as this is my second time checking it, they imporved a lot, the Chinese flute player and Ur-Hu player have great potential to be further developed.

Landing at Taipei, I follow with 2 meeting, the 3rd YPO kick out / off meeting prepartion, J. help us a lot, the last meeting is to express how I wish to lead the company of Kororo, they agree with a 51 % control over - my wife will head another President in short, I should make full scale of plan for them - and in return, for us.



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