
Arrange the first dinner with newly on board Chairman of S. he claimed himself as a cowboy in town and share with us his rare experience in Phillipine.
Initaitaly, I am planning to invite local country manager to the dinner, head of music was not availalbe, so I bring the mobile phone company GM to the dinner first. I choose Really Good - a seafood restaurant famouse for it's flesh Taiwanese cuisine and bone-china table wear; I discovered this reataurant 8 or 9 years ago, that's when my and my wife take a stroll at the neighering area and found this garden restaurant with a very local name " Really Good?", so we entered and tried it the first time, then I became a regular guest and hosting countless dinner here in my entertainment period.
S. is new in town, S. is a local, I host the dinner first time and breifly introduce the pre-history of Taiwan - a term designed by local pro-independent wing. during the dinner, S. take a break told me my COO is planning his leave, I didn't follow and I should not asked COO, I don't want to bringing presure to anyone.
Discussed with Sound about his betting classmate last week; our family make an agreement with Sound when he fought with other student at Forest School the first time, according to the school regulation, bad behavior of student will get a point for the mis-havior, if a student receive 3 points, then their parent must take him back and stay at home for a day -- The panalty for mis-behavior student is asking him to go home, can you image how these kids love to go to school - contridice to our rationale; when it happed the first time, we warned Sound, if we receive the order from school to bring him home for a grounded day, we will not sent him back to school again, as we don't want to bring too much trouble to the school and we feel sad about him; this agreement made him very nervous; last week, he hit someone and get another point, my wife told me that there's a big chance that he will get the one day panalty, if it does happen, father have to keep his word and transfer him back to normal school... what should we do?
We think it over -- that's the day before our leaving for Shanghai, my wife was so blue, I promise to come up with a solution before we fly out. then I decided to withdraw the family panalty , instead, to know the reason why he can't control his emotion, hitting others and discuss with him , ask him to think hard and to produce a solution we all pleased; I had a back up plan to suppor Sound, but we want him to think it through before I deliver my answer.
we had this conversation last night, as I learn from my wife, after the hitting classmate issue, all the school student protest him, rule him out of the playing circle, no one want to be friend with him, he receive palaty at school already, then I told me I wish to release the " Never go back " decison ,but he shoud told us how to prevent it happen again; his answer satisfy us, he said he will prepare a note - a written note for himself and keep it at the pocket, whenever there's a chace he will play outside or enter the group activity, he will reach his pocket , take out the note, read it before join the game, this is how he plan to control his temper, I am suprised that he really think hard, and I wish what he means trun to an action in his life, there will be more confrontation ahead of him. he must leant how to handle it by himself, parent will never be with him all the way.



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