
THe most uncomfortable day

This is the statement sent by COO in the mail; the statement create enormouse gesture in my heart; to build strong personality dosen't equal to build a strong man; I digested what he wrote and tried to erase the impact it hit; if this is the most uncomfortable day in his tenure in Taiwan, the the past weekend is a torture to me.

I value the friendship - Yes, it's a very old fashioned way of treating morden people in nowadays; I also accepted that people have their own value to work itself; we don't need to agree upon everything in working; but how I wish the human nature won't be distorted under the differences of working behavior.

Maybe I am too naive in this diretion, and it make me hard to get over it; standing on higher ground makes you see better; observe more make you heart wild open; of cause, I understand all these therory in common. but I need to face it this morning and show him how I feel -- this is a tough situation; I left him a voice message on Sat. noon after the exercise , but there's no response by midnight last night; if this is the way he hanld business or friendship - a professional fashion. then , I have to know how to making next 2 months a happy ending for both of us; this it all I can do.

Following is what I plan to do after publishing the blog : go to his office, sit down with him and tell him how I feel these days:
1. Why should I make him so upset ? as he will leave the company soon.
2. Why I express colleages' feeling to him ? this is a direct communication and this is how we value each other - to tell the truth, nothing but the truth.
3. If he disagree with my commets. then forget it. as a friend, I value the time we spend together and cherish the contribution he made to this company.
4. any wording make him mad? if writting message can't really bridge what we tried to say, let's handle it right now.
5. I won't be here forever, neither does him. let's don't make his stay in Taiwan a miserable memory - it will be a life long regret if we don't fix it today.
6. I am fine with all his decision today and will take whatever responsibilty to me and account for the right or worng decision in the company.
7. Take a few days off and bring back the calm and easy mood to office.

I am not sure if the apporch strike, but this is the road map helping me to handle this difficulity. I don't know how he will response and I will not escape from this responsibility. this is me, Face the problem and you see it clearly; running from it, it will chase you and can only see the blur of the problem.

Determination -- Draw a real line in your heart, and make everything perfect in your life.



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