

Learning how this word developed and really astonished how it imply: it came from Latin and with the meaning of " To cut off ",which means, decision is to cut off all other choices and leave only one. so, the most important and difficult thing in life is to " Make Decision "

People don't like uncertainly, so they defer timing for decision, and it became urgent issue. decision is to make only one choice and to abondon others. the other important topic form the current Forbes is " to tell the diffierenent between Wrong decision and Bad decision ", a wrong decision is wrong at the first place - this is the reslut which can't be controlled . a bad decision is wrong at the process - this can be controlled by us. so to elimnate the bad decision, we better learn how to wll control the process.

Having the quaterly strategic meeting today, I seriouse advise all the managers how worry I am in the company the future ahead of us. and urge all the mangers to reflesh on 2 books which we were heavily influence years ago : FISH ( Choose your attitude, Play , Make their Day and Be present ) and QBQ ( Ownership is the commitment between Head, Heart and Hands to fix problem yet not to affix it ), I shared with everyone the goals we made at FY05 kick off meeting and inform everyone the change of board and gobal CEO and the impact it may occur to us if we can't deliver the numbers we budget before.

Store songs at my iPod and enjoy the music I install. a fun and new toy to me.



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