The Makoro Feast
I never dream of having an economic yet blunty of Tuna feast in this summer, but incidentally, we have it last night.To welcome our guest from Tokyo and Seol in helping us guide the recenctly launched internet communicty service " Be You ", I book the restaurant " Da Peng Wang ", when my secretary inform me the minimum charge per person is 1000, I hasitate to reserve, however, I decided to try this new restaurant which I never been before. it located near by Council of Culture Affair , not a very popular commercial zone and neither the cluster of restaurant, surprisely, it was so crowed and thanks God, we make the reservation before.
This is really a Toro feast, they creatively making almost every part of the Tuna fish and magically presented in front of you, it all tasted different and it all delicious, it take our guest by surprise - well, me either, this is my rare first time to try a restaurnat by the word of month instead of my physical experience.
The experts from Tokyo were keen in bringing Taiwanes Drama to Tokyo, they think the Korea Current will soon be taken by other Asian Current, Taiwanese Drama have a good position to follow. Specilist from Korea were so experience in internet community. they share such imformative document, not only present us what's the secrect formula behind those success community builder in Korea such as Cyworld -- a cummulate 12 millions members at there minihome, but to examine and analysis our beyou site and told me how to turn it on, improve it and make it a star in a focus area. Chung told us the critical mass for a successful Community site in Korea is 4 millions members, to pareted by population, in Taiwan, it come to the magic number of 2 millions, this is something we should be focus. S. Japan didn't start well, they begin in April and acquired 27000 up to now, if divided by the population ( 4 times of Taiwan ) and by the period ( 3 month ), the result is poor : it's like 2000 new members per months, with 12 manpower ( we have only 8 right now ), we might doing better than J.
Return to our topic, the Tuna feast were excellent. on season, on time, I told COO, this is the first farewell I joined.
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