It doesn't like me
First time, I conducted the strategic meeting by myself, COO take a smart leave as he will soon be gone, to participate on the discussion without a future doesn't make any sense, so, I chair the meeting alone, I was prepared and willing to share , in the beginning, I recall what the company addressed during the kick off meeting and share with everyone the Fish and QBQ spirits; then I can't help telling everyone how critical Q2 is and if the figures can't be achieved, then I am losing the capability to lead the company, this is transparent enough, I am not sure if my emotional speech cause by the lunch with J. on Sat. or I really want to trun myself to another person who I am not familar with.This is the problem, when I tried to play tough, rais my voice, they don't feel my anger or my anxiaty, am I losing the convincing power or this is not my talent, I am not driving people by mean and demanding way, but to coach and to guide. as we are really running out of time, I am thinking of coming up with a new way to lead, but it doesn't like me at all, it will be intepreted as a mid-life executive complain about the company, the not devoted enough employee and his incapability to deliver -- yes, this is the keyword -- I can't find a good approch to
1. Deliver my message clear and loud without losing my personality.
2. Find a way to make they deliver the numbers company budget for.
I thought I should change my way of leading the company and the mangers, maybe I ma wrong, maybe I should express more about my talent, maximise the power of " What " and " How "
The eyecatching piture of the day is " You Can't Sink A Rainbow ", a protesting rally held in Paris to show Green Peace's anger , they are angry because 20 years ago, Miderran insturct to sink the Green Peace Ship - the Rainbow. I am not acquainted with the Green Peace, I take it as the fundementalist in the ideology of " Enviromental Issues ", but the Rainbow protesting is so compelling and of courese - creative.
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