
Sharing until Wee

I didn't know the mood change so dramatically, so I can't stop talking to my wife until 2 or 3 in the morning, maybe I need to bring back some confidence by talking with her, the conclusion I draw is " You can't counting on others for your own future ", everyone response for his own destiney, there's no way for anyone to take the burdon from you, and also, there's no one in this world should promise you to success.

But, we can defenatley choose our way of living, no matter it's rich or humble, to be content inside, to be happy and to pursue and capture ( Yes, I am using the vacabrory people seldom used when searching happiness ) the happiness in us.

Reply my mail in early morning, then I realized " Working " dosen't meant to send mail response other mail, this will only cumulate the communcitaion time and increas the cost of communication, then no one have time to " Fix " " Excute " the work. I've been sitting on the captain's seat for too long, giving orders, asking for deadline, this is not leading, this is driving. I am not sure if this is a true talent , but I shall re-examine what I really know and what can be transformed and transfer as my competence to live. to recall on one article I read, " Why people talked others to do always double the salary when compare with those who really doing ? "

Communication is powerful, and this is why Winston Churchill try to memories his speech and make it an improvisation to impress everyone. there should be some magic there, discover it, find it, extend it and let it be your weapon as well.

No time to waste, gear up for brighter future, you can counting others for your own future.