
Haven’t thought of release the URL to anyone, writing diary is something intimacy to oneself, but as time change, the old -fashioned way to keep t he secret with you now it outdated. the moblog claimed to be the next " Personal power " and this is a reverse trend compare to my younger days, as now sharing is important, publish your viewpoints, release yourself and express yourself becoming a normal behavior; I don't exactly know whether the rain falling from the internet, or the barrier created by screen, no harm at all, no matter how radical or erotic the message you want to carry, to the mass " unknown ", it's no big deal, this is like the freedom of speech -- now in the internet, you are free to express, by word, visual or audio.

When visit the blog Taiwan site, I do find lot of interest and literate know that there's a blog movement going on, the wave is high, since AOL provide the personal weblog -- the blog platform allowing the subscriber do their own things ( text, chat, video, or even mobile enable things -- I though the build-in camera transmission and mail to yourself is a smart discovery, I was wrong , as this is nothing new, you may even send to a public URL and do the live thing if you are able to sending videos ), I love to catch on the train and to surf the new wave, this is not the minority but to establish and building the trend; probably I am in the internet business long enough and could not figure out the world without PC or internet, I hardly image in the modern world, who do not get themselves an email and communicate via internet; the culture of blog will booming I guess. but I still don't know If I will release the URL to anyone.

This morning , I send Fruit to a mini Summer Camp -- organize by " Outfield environment protection association ", it's goal is to find the beauty in nature and to protect the earth in a good manner, the provoke to know , embraces , and love the nature before protect them, so, I send Fruit today to experience this camp. they will stay in a mountain, learn how to survive in wild life, learn how surviving skill and to appreciate what nature provide them, when check the program, I know some of the activity will cause Fruit panic such as climbing rock with rope, maybe this is a heritage from me, she could not fit herself well in a physical challenged environment, take me as an example, how many kid didn't climb the tree when they are little -- well, I am one of the few, How many teenage don't want to try the roller coaster ? Well, I am one of the minor. since she want to go, I encourage her to experience it, this morning , during our breakfast ( Fruit prepare my breakfast every morning for a while ), she even talked about some program she may burst out crying, but I am happy that she is willing to give it a try.

Product dept. call an urgent meeting to discuss the PHS ISP corporation, to tell the truth, there's no real benefit for us, they try to bundle the PHS wireless modem with the handset -- to me, this is to do the inventory clearance, mangers didn't aware of the risk we explored, but we subtly re-direct to right track, negotiation can be simple or complicate, but the rule itself is clear, take what we want in exchange to their need , First probe, then disclosure; set high when sale, buy low , the tactic involved is to manipulate the expectation. Product manger didn't think well about the negotiation strategy, but, we overcome it finally.

I want to explore blog more and learn more about the application is apply, by far, to write down my message in English with free bandwidth is the only benefit, I shall learn more about it's feature and try to utilize what blog provided, I will also want to visit local blog site and to discover what the young elite think and express using this personal news (media) platform.