
browsing YPO website and learn something about this organization, established for more than 50 years , now with members exceed 8,000, holding the title of President; shall be the elite pool, I do hope the Taiwan chapter accept my application and I may experience what I never uncounted before; the interactive among elites.

I don't know what went wrong with her, words came out of her mouth hurt me; I don't mind if she really taking care of the family or contribute her every minute to house work, but I don't deserve it, this is not what I expected when returning home from office; her relationship with my parent getting soared, I am not forcing all of the family member shall treat each other equal, I don't want to glue the gap which she thought that will never be a day to melting the bad feeling. but why raise the issue back to 5 years ago and angry at me with unpleasant language, why ? my invitation to the MBA graduation trip is a good intention, if you don't want to go, then forget it, but why compare with the thing happen 5 years ago when we have a company trip, and leave you the unforgiving impression even though nothing happened. six instinct form woman will kill a man; emotional reaction will hurt the feeling, this is why I walked up to the attic and preparing my third speech this month and drafting the agenda; I will be quietly go to bad tonight, why? I don't deserve it.