
My VIAO crash 2 days ago, change a new notebook is something you can't really feel comfortable, first, all the synchronized device must be a parted a a while, my COR, my PDA, my writing panel.., second, you can't update what you did before the crash, third, you can't storage what you recorded in you mobile device and always worries about lost of information / data. People too much counting on high tech face the same problem, although we all know that before PC, people works, thing get done and we live happily, since the invention of PC, the working environment changes, people changed, the world changed, the article about productivity is still flesh to me , thanks to new tech, we save 9 10th of the time in working, but don't know how to deal with the spare time, creating unnecessary work, modified unnecessary file, power point, adding communication layer, people don't really have time to enjoy life. Morden world, modern thought, we are still people.

Lunch with Mr, Yen -- Olivagrily Ad. we share some interesting thoughts, such as " it doesn't matter for the pat life, it matters for the life before you " and " what if life begin with an old man, and die in the enfant stage, the life will be so beautiful, from complex to innocent, from suffer to unknown, the reverse of life cycle. "