
Aita-san came over and join our mangers meeting this morning, he is the first foreign visitor who come to see us after SARS, coincident is Taiwan just remove from the affected area on Saturday. this morning, I found all the mangers speak more and prepare in more in decent way, good sign, but, some of the mangers didn't act normally when report the status, one manager , particular, looks like reporting to him instead of reporting to all the mangers during the session; anyway, this is human nature, you hardly know what behavior people will follow when the environment changes.

This morning, I received the photo from Vincent, an hard evidence show how 4 of us had a good time the other night; one picture was taken for me and Shiao-Bai -- the leader of DOTM. it's a good memories.

we had a recognition lunch with Saint and Water -- 2 top agent in our customer information center, Water worked with the company for one and half year, from the conversation, I know that he love the company and wish to develop his career in our organization, this is a great pay off for me, as we always dream of creating the idea company for people to learn, grow, contribute and develop, Saint learn a great deal of product knowledge and fully integrate the spirit of service, We are lucky to have them stay with us -- from the humble beginning. the thing Water impressed me is he always want to break the record and set a high goal for every challenge he takes; this is remarkable, a person devoted himself to our company and wish to set the benchmark among all the categories. to me, Water is much better than me, I am only the person sending message, he is the one deliver the result, this is the culture differences between us and other players, I shall amp this to everyone in the company, they shall be role models in our company.

I miss the feeing somehow, this is a crossroad for me, I am now stop at the red light, when the light turn to green, shall I drive full gear up or shall I turn right ? Always the question of option, always the question of selection, always the question of alternative.