
I was invited to Executive Yung ( equivalent of Prime ministry ) this morning attending the first " Industry leaders' "public hearing for rearview Culture and Creative Industry Development Policy in Taiwan, the CACID is designed under the architecture of " Challenge 2008 " the Chen Shuaibai administration's heavy waight Country Restructuring Project toward 2008 , Under the umbrella of Digital Taiwan, Culture and Creative industry will play the left arm to balance the other arm focus on Hi-tech industry, this two speared projects were interpreted as the power play for next Presidential election to be held next year ( 2004 ), and to balance the Beijing Olympic fever on 2008, eTaiwan is a big project, in involved too many organization, today, we only covered the recording industry -- the dying industry cross the globe.

Ministry without Portfolio Mr. Chen Chi-Nan is one of my respected scholar, I valued him very much due to his publishing back to 20 years ago, I read his book talking about the social / culture change in Taiwan / China and some field study report which bring me to another place where I never been, I valued him very much, it's my lucky day to see him in person and voice my name a couple of times, although I didn't mentioned anything about his writing influence me a lot, but I am willing to granted my help to digest the problem of recording industry in Taiwan, and find the proper solution to balance the logic and creative world.

I am happy to see an old friend there, the deputy minister of education, we met a few times and both leave good impression, well, I have volunteering to conduct the educational process in helping revamp the music / recording industry in Taiwan.

Today , the diary is a little bit too broad, well leave a trace to be tracked is a good thing, I make an appointment on Friday night, a private dinner to be remembered.

By the way, Ken Yang and Samuel Chou were there to provoke their opinion about the pop and non-pop music industry in Taiwan, good to see old friend there as well. this is my first time entering Executive Yuan, I've been to Presidential Palace 3 times already, well, kind of personal record.