
when first note coming from Rasi's guitar, I knew that the good old memory will hit me; last weekend, I brought 3 old friend to a little pub " Riverside " where a band call themselves " R.A.Y Band " performing 70s' and 80s' rock tunes, the scene brought me back like 20 something years ago; when I was still a college student. I was heavily influenced by western pop music, I study Billboard chart every week and listening to all kind of Pop music; at that time, teenagers don't have much choice for entertainment, there's no games ( PC game or Arcade game ), no mobile phone and no MP3; the things we do in the weekend is saving our disposal and go for a " PARCO " night, PARCO is a restaurant located in Chung Hwa Road, the heart of Shimengting; on the basement of a small hotel - Peace Hotel; there's are couple of local band cover top 40 and some rock anthems , among those band, we love " 2001 " the most, especially crazy about the guitarist Rasi, on weekend, after 2001 performing comes another student band call " Starry Eyes " in which Yang is the band leader.

RAY band consist 2 of the old PARCO days member -- Yan and Rasi and another great drummer Alan, we enjoy the music so much that night and recalled all the good old memories then; there's always a niche for certain people, look over audience on Saturday night, I guess one third of them is over 40, only a few of people over 40 will go out and enjoy music in the Pub and only a few of them listen to music any more; the song which push us back is " Catch the Rainbow ", one of the soft number by Richie Blackmore's Rainbow, yes. our classmate Richie names his English also name after this guitarist -- Richie Blackmore.

Willam join us after dinner, he brought one woman and one teenage with him, without introduction, my and Tom aware that this is his new family, We lost contact for years, and I forgot he is one of the shareholder when we establishing the music production company " Hot Rythem " Yan is one of our partner...

Ken resign from P and G , join us for the session and discuss about his future plan, my advise to him is pick the industry where we see better future, entertainment will not be a good option now since digital and internet will graduate taking all the entertainment to a new playground, physical product may no long sustain as a goods; I am planning to introduce him another executive recruiter and hopefully he can access more opportunity when making the final decision.

Sunday morning, Sound / me and my wife were did some offering to a local temple -- Sheng-Tien Kuang, after the short visit, we brought Sound to the astrological museum and watch new 3D film in the theater, the film " Journey of Man " touch me, not because it were perform by Circle De Solie, but it simply illustrative how a man perceive his life value through a discovery of life and how a little boy grow up and embraces the world with different perception, Finally, the film inspired us, there are 3 basic element accompany us when grow up, first is " Imagination " second is " Believe " third is " True Love ", a short film run about 40 minutes but carry the message so vivid, we shall never stop searching for the meaning of life, searching for the meaning of being a human.