
The press conference held in MOEA was a good one, this is the occasion that I realize the meaning for " Less is more " and " short is beautiful ", we were elected ( by what standard I don't know ) as the best foreign investing company in Taiwan by MOEA ( Ministry of Economic Affairs ) together with another bio-chemical company -- UBI-ASIA, the purpose for the press conference is for recognition and promote the upcoming " Foreign Alliance Business Partner Campaign " by the government. we were asked to deliver a 3 minutes speech and 15 minutes of introduction for our business, UBI- Asia's representative - CEO, talk too much with no focus, she made her brief a chaotic one by mixing half of the speech in English and half in Chinese, to me, she may easily handle the 10 minutes in Chinese; perhaps, she is familiar with the Vice Minister, but the more she delivered during the press conference, the less impression she leave to media -- this is simply my observation, maybe I was wrong.

Classmate reunion gathering in Taipei to welcome Teacher Tseng was an unforgettable one, after the press conference, I pick up Teacher at his residence in Taipei, we haven’t seeing each other for like 20 more years, he looks young and health, the only difference is bold and losing some weight, on the way to the restaurant, he told me the story of a 42 years old immigrate in New York - back to 19 years ago and how he made up his mind to pursue the life he willing to take -- even it's a great risk; I told him my short personal history for the past 20 years; all the classmates arrived on time, again, everybody sharing and update each other -- we met 3 months ago , but this time, 2 new comer joint us, Mr. Chen, the boy who I never forget when we were at school days, 27 years ago, Chen grow taller then average junior high school student, so, he sometimes -- to be polite , actually, he always play with other classmate in violence , like to hold smaller classmate' neck with his strong arms etc, I never forget one thing which I witnessed, and I share the story with all the classmate during the dinner, he remembered nothing about it, here is the short story:

one day, when we were running on the campus track field, that is a roughly and simply field, the field is circled by bricks instead of artificial or nylon lines, all the bricks circled will leave it's head 5 -10 cm above the ground, when running over it, you have to be careful , otherwise, you may falling down, this is what happen to Chen, I saw him falling down by kick to the brick, when he stand up, he looks so upset and return kicking the brick again, this is really hurt, you can imagine your toe and foot hit the rocks, so he upset twice, then the unusual thing happens, he walk somewhere and bring a big stone back to the scene where he falling down and use the stone as hammer to remove the obstacles -- the brick which make his fall and hurt his foot again; I was shocked then, I never think of a human will behavior like this toward an objective with no life; no one saw it except me, cause I was there with distance that Chen didn't notice me, of course, Chen forget everything, when the story were told during the dinner, everyone were laughing, Chen is full of puzzle but didn't angry, he is now a big boss running 2 shoe manufacture in China and consider to immigrate to The States as well. the rest of classmate share a little bit, we told teacher we influence us the most and why our junior high school days in Cheng-shin change our life, this it true, we were heavily influence by all the good value we heritage, this is why I wish to call back the memories and asking everyone to share their passion again.

I made contact with a few classmate, it wasn’t very successful, but I will try again for the last week.