
Last Friday was the year end party for us, I bought 50 instant lucky lottery for alternative use, in addition, I also prepare a CEO prize for the lucky drew -- a over night package in one of the luxury boutique hotel -- Park Spring Wulia for 2 value at 14,000 NT, on top of the prize, I include a " 6000 " NT red envelop for the lucky one, the outcome is our shop rep at Taichung store win the CEO prize and due to the store operation policy, she can't be in the year end party, but I do feel happy that our employee who is on duty win the big prize; in the party, I donate another 10,000 NT to stimulate the ambience, it's the traditional event, I know how to control it, when the party close to the end, one of the senior employee try to cause commotion and encourage staff to force me and COO donate a bigger prize ( cash prize ) for the party, as COO is from Japan , a Japanese not only disagree with this bad habit but also feel comfortable been force to donate cash to other employee( actually, he donation 10,000 NT already during the party ), so I stand up and deliver a 5 minutes speech to all the employee that " we might be the only 2 executives in the multi-nation company donate prize / cash to our employee from our own pocket, we shall celebrate the end of the year, drink with our colleague and greeting each other good fortune for the year to come, but over-excitement will turn rude, controlling our content / happiness in a just-OK degree is very important, everyone in the company earned the hard money, no one shall waste them ,, the I toast to all employee and call it an end to end up the will be " out of control " scenario.

Finding from the party is : people is different, when seeing young generation at their 20's drinking alcohol without control, behavior during the party without elegency, I confirmed that people are different, you may preach, but you can't really change, the heritage maybe from their background, how they grow up , how they educated, and how they adapt their value to the world;

Saturday is the first official annual leave for me, early morning PING PONG session is as fun as before, we had a great lunch in one shabu shabu restaurant, winner of the second round Sam hosting the lunch, the beef and mutton are so great. I enjoy it very much. after the meal, I went to the WORLD PING PONG sports team selection game in Li-Shun junior high school, when saw the kid ( some of them seem like junior / senior high school students ) playing professional, is truly amazing, no practice , no professionism; the kid playing so hard and great, I can't hardly image the development of ping pong game in Taiwan, I decided to go next day.

Saturday night, went to the movie " Paycheck " directed by John Woo, yes, when the deadly fight commence, you will see slow motion with pigeon fly over, this is the mark for John, a good director, 2 line keep me thinking " everyone try to change the world, how about save the world ? "

Sunday afternoon, we bring children to the coin laundry , in the late evening, all the family go to the vegetarian cafeteria, this restaurant open for several years, we haven’t been there for a while, variety of choice as before, good to be back, I even saw westerner eating their, rich and oil vegetarian food wasn’t idea food, right.

Monday I had appointment with my Master Degree Instruction Professor, my thesis is delayed, so this delay appointment is quiet important to me, I need to pass it before April , otherwise I can't obtain my Master Degree by June this year. we had a great conversation and the advise / instruction he gave me really help me prepare it in clear direction, we had lunch together, in the late evening, me and COO had a dinner with one of our old staff, who we respect and now running a company as General Manager, very mutual person with strong leadership, unfortunately, we are not planning to increas any senior position, so this dinner turn to a very casual and relax occasion.

This morning ( Tue, ), me and my wife go to Park spring hotel to enjoy the wonderful hot spring spa, we arrived at 8:30 am, no one there, public spa is empty except us, this is a man and woman separate public spa, we spend 2 hours there, so relax and comfortable, I even sing while taking the bath, after the total relaxation, I come in the office for the KPMG consulting meeting, this is the 3rd meeting for change management, the new organization chart seems OK with our current situation, hopefully , it will better position our strength and pave the road for our future talent.