
Another week of negociation, visit The dominate carrier with goverment officier for a ' fair competition ' preach, met with other ISP , this is a jourey of explore myself to the real internet / telecom world; when it come to a unified emeny or issue -- everyone jump on the wagon and fight at the same pace, but when the direction turn to self interest, I can see lots of hidden agenda and it caused no cross-road to the soluiton, whenever the issue have been tackled, you can also awared that 3rd party tried to take the hike; the easy ride is not for everyone and there won't be any free lunch.

MOEA support us in fighting with the State Owned Enterprise, why, because they have a 10 years history , decade ago, MOEA support the independent ISP, They urgently requied the support from the Dominate carrier, but there's no good and better solution; 10 years after, we -- a foreign invetor play the role as the myrter on behalf of all the local ISP and drumming so loud and make sure our voice is heard. Dominate Carrier didn't take it serious until I convey a short but powerful speech yesterday , I told them, if the goverment doesn't support the privatization of telecom and the fair competition for foreign investor, then they should buy back our company now, but not delay the process and making our people concern about their future and cause the company shed more blood in this land; the idea buyer can be goverment or the dominate carrier; quote from one of our delegtor from TOKYO, We are not here to argu, but to find a way to control or cost in order to either survive or continue investing; Association hold different agenda, and they don't want to handle all the issue at once , so, I skip the Friday meeting to DGT, the answer won't be sexy.

Had a great lunch with COO and learn both of our direction and career, the good thing about being honset is you never need to recall what you said to other on your last or latest encounter; we pair up so perfect and sharing our though so deeply , the lunch at Lamico is a " early Goodbye " for us, He's been here for almost 4 years,. as a strong and smart Executive, HQ hungry for his contribution at hometown, this pave the road for him to negociate, Sep. is a cruicial month for us, if the cost / fair competiton negociation can't get through, then the annual break even commitment may be broken, the impace going on and go and nobody can predict the future of us now. even we manage to achieve the budget, he need to move on as well, but who will succeed him, another expatriate ? with the same level of commitment and talent ? I doube is there anyone in HQ equip the same capability as he.... so, too many uncertaintly ahead. I need to consider my future as well, this time, be aggrestive, can't be passive.

Yamada-san is one of the delegator who come with A helping us negociate with varies body -- from govermental to institutional, graduate from Tokyo Univerty, -- accoriding to my Japanese colleage, a very prestigus acdemic backgroud and a very smart person, we communicate couple of times, his colleage have an intention to tease him and having him take off the " Acdemice" jacket, for this trip, he even brought along the tour guide and select restaurant he want to eat, in Japan, herachy is something you need to obey, so, his colleage again his will and asking me to set the dinner in one Shu-chung reastaurnt b-- spicy and hot food, this arrangement make him uncomfortable, but, an intersting arangement,

today, we gonna held our board meeting, COO insist to put one additonal agenda -- talking about our reporting line in public, the organization changed 4 times since I join the subsiderary, this time we want to identify who will be our foster parent and to contribute to our operation, I am not sue if this follow Japanese way, but, this is a clear way to make everyone think. think hard.