
the whole week gone like a wind, can't really remember what happened, on Tuesday night, the ping pone time left only 2 person fighting, 3 out of 5 couldn't make it, me and Sam compete each other for 2 and half hours, that's was exhausted, COO left for business trip, I managed to oversee all the operation issues in office, his mission is to find out how's our new parent company doing -- we have changed the reporting line for 4 times since I join and establish this new entity; and to discuss who should be our foster parent in the following year, as we need support and understand from those who agreed with our spending, it wasn't easy, so, I leave it to Japanese, they have their channel and their rationale to digest the whole situation.

Wednesday, I supposed to bring 2 other EMBA classmate to the Sky / Jeff concert, it's about 3 pm, Sky ring me and told me the flower he received, but unfortunately, when rehearsal, the curtain burn down and cause a fire in the Seng Yi Seng memorial hall, for the security reason, the concert is forced to cancel and put another day for showing, which is one month later, this is a surprise, I didn't call my classmate immediately but decided to hold our " before the show " meal, we -- three of us meet and I bring them to the Laman restaurant near by the venue, the one I recommended and everyone's happy with this gathering, we make an appointment to attend the concert in one month.

Rush for my Thesis oral test application, thanks for Professor Chu and Chuang, I managed to buy the last ticket to the graduation train, I haven’t really done any writing yet, been in the marketing hat for 2 months, I don't have quality time to figure out how to structure this paper, thanks God, I jump on the wagon and now planning to start the writing.

Thursday, I attend the " traditional music preservation study counselor meeting " hosted by Culture Establishment Commission -- an first tier governmental body under Executive Yang, I was asked to be the " consultant commissar " one month ago, this is quite an interesting meeting, it is chaired by the Ministry who will step down the position in a few days, the re-form of Executive Yan Cabinet already assign a new person to be the head of CEMA, Mrs. Chen -- the current minister is a very nice person, her background -- a pianists with academic study who married a legislator who's reputation is high in DPP in early days, Mr. Lu -- her husband and legislator who developed cancer and die years ago, before his passing away, he helping Mr. Chen win his first Presidential election by knocking down his knees on one major campaign, urge people in Taiwan support the first time ever Taiwanese President, a lot of people was moved when seeing the live on TV, they repeat broadcasting this short clip and win a lot of voter, so after this, some DPP supporter respect Mrs. Chen -- widow of Mr. Lu -- the National Mother of Taiwan, she step down without prior notice or consultation exercise strong complain among those royal DPP supporter.. but when have meeting with her, it was quiet efficient, she is in an urgent since to helping build up " Historical / Documentary / Constantly ' culture heritage for Taiwan -- no matter its Literature, Drama , Fine Art or Music. I sit beside one professor , when exchange business card, I found that she is from National Taiwan University where I am pursue my post-graduation study, when conducing conversation, I learned that there's a " Musical History Dept." in NTU, I am thinking of taking up my Ph. D study there, this is interesting.

Attending another TBLF seminar on Wed morning, with the courtesy of Michael, I am kind of saving my membership and attending it by invitation as guest to the TBLF, this time, they invited Sisy Chen -- the controversial and high profile legislator / Media commentator talking of the " Change after election ". a pro-blue politician, her voice is over the crisis of Taiwan and warning everyone the 2006 revise of Constitution -- the scheduled planed by Mr. Chen will impose an immediate risk to the safety of Taiwan, her definition of " Status Quo ' is a " US " understanding, and she is so afraid that people in Taiwan don't really understating the definition of it and under estimate what Kelly said earlier last week about the US's attitude toward the new Constitution. Her English is brilliant and she's so smart, this is the first time I had a chance to close look at her and see her from the different angle, not from TV, not from her " Chinese Thinking ", I raised my hand and asked one question, first time for me to speak in this forum, interesting.

Inviting by Wind record to deliver a speech in Eslite Book store, it was Friday night, I have a preparation for " very low turn out ", I was absolutely right, the total listener is like 10 something ( include a dog ), a 2 hours speech on " new and innovation music business ", I think I done a good job although Winds feel embarrass of the show up; I don't mind since I am not a star or celebrity, this is for returning favor from friend and to continue friendship as I wish.

with my help, the YPO music session keep following, next week, there's a " day chairman ' discussion, I may be assigned to take up one session about " Campuses Folk ", well, this hit my target, " one stone for 2 birds "

Saturday is another exciting day, I play Ping Pong for 2 session, the morning session is our regular ping pong exercise, 3 of the acquainted member fighting for 3 hours, after this, I took a shower in Regent and joint their tournament from 2 pm, as I am a stranger to them, when arrived at the playing venue, I realized there's a club within in Regent Club for Ping Pong lover and this is there annual campaign, I am interrupting to it, but it seems this is OK with them, so, I fight in the Group B and win the Champion , tired but exciting.

Sat. evening join the EMBA quarterly gathering, old friend met / talk / drink, and dancing -- well, I didn't see it, I left before this session and bring my wife to the movie " Secret Window ", not very good one, Johnny Kemp is a great actor, but the story itself doesn't attract people, similar to a great singer, if the repertoire did fit he/ she, the song won't be popular as well.

today, in the afternoon, we have a family trip to see the lighting bud -- the firefly, a primary school reunion and visiting one of the classmate who live in the superb of Taipei where he said " hundred of lighting bud at nigh in the Summer ", all the family is so excited to be there and experience it, kids are waiting for days, after our din sum lunch, we will be there.