
attending the Skype founder's visit speech this morning, it was an exciting event, most of Taiwan telecom / internet elite were gathering at Westin Taipei to witness the genius coming to Taiwan, Niclax who start the fire of P2P, invented KaraA which turn the recoridng industry to hell is now inventing another revolutionary software -- the IP based free phone Skype, this time, he is targeting the hundrend years old telecom industry; PCHome bring him and his pet project to Taiwan, the presentation is short and neat, panel discussion between him and Professor Mao ( formal Chairman of CHT ) is interesting but I don't see any innovation spark between the dialoge; I had 2 question, but did raise my hand or voice out : they are : Why calling your service Skype , expecially the pronancation of pe ( per , istead of Pi or Pei ) is not very smooth, second is : call is free, but time is money, will this free service encourge people spending and consume more thim in talking over the free phone and lost the precious resource ( Time ) or reduce their productiviy in other time-based job? there should be some statistic data or study to analysis my curiosity.

lunch with Ben at the Japanese resturant before going to Webs-TV -- The biggest web based Multi-media broadcasting / on demand service company; this is the first time we spend lunch in a decent restaurant and the first time he knew I am not a gegdet freak for show up. but a new techonlogy adoper to improve my effeciency. we talked about some value in life and family situation.

The Webtv visit is for checking the posibility to invest on this company -- private equality investor is what I need Ben to perform; the opportunity come from one of my army colleage who also invest in this company in 2001, the company is schedule for a capital increase for purchsing new storage equipment in cope with the rapid development of the company; I had a positive impression about the company one and half year ago when we begin to establish our business partnership with this company, the young CEO understand this maket and knows what he is doing, since April , the pricing down for broadband access cause the broad band markeing growth in rapid pace, this is a great time for the No. 1 muiti media provider to increae the laspe between his competitor; I am not agree with institutional fund rasing in Q4 right after the capital increase by it's original shareholder, neither buying the growth strategy in matching the MOD service with CHT or set up branch office physically in HK, China; the CEO is a very good presenter, but againg,if they treat us as strategic investor, then my direction will be perform properly as a valuable figure to the company, the assumption discussed with Ben is for him to be the investor and support me as an independant director , this is the safe net not only to secure the investment but to keep the company growth in the right direction.

Hosting dinner at FuYuang for managers, me and my wife choose this restaurant to send our gratitue to all the mangers support my post-graduation study and earn my EMBA degree this year, a Thank You meal so to speak, they shall be impressed by the doco / ambience / food and service this restauran offered.



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