
Tom cut his finger when adjust the ping pong table tonight, Wed. is the regular games, Tom and I arrived earlier and warm up before the competition, as the table didn't match each other, the other side of the table was mis-placed, so, we move one and replace the old one, then the leg of the table clips, Tom's finger get hurt, with a simply cleaness and wrap up we continue the game.

sweat out and play with a competition rule make all of us exciting, as we are over 40, stimulation level should be high otherwise no point to enjoy the game, so, We design the rule and follow with handicaps, the new format of competition turn the game very exciting, the result for tonight is I had a 10 sets advance compare with the runner up; Sat. will be a very challenge one, I shall keep the good shape before graduation ceremony; that was scheduled on Sat. evening.

Kids upset their mother again, they don't bring happiness to the mother, their mother says all the time that to raise these 2 kids are like compensate the debt she owe on her previous life; she was not happy at all, I don't know how to comport her.

tomorrow, co-founder of skype will deliver a speech , I was invited to attend, would like to see the person who are going to change the telecom industry.



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