
Again, the temple worship from the mother postponed Sound's entry the Seeding experimental school; sometimes, when you don't have the answers, go to the God you believe, this is a rule from ancient. I always think the ultimate science is philosophy, a way to interprete what " evidence " can't proved, to make belive what can't be explained have a reason.

My wife's slef-explanation about his delay is " I might have a chance to move somewhere, maybe out of the country " or " I will encounter with a finincial crisis and can't afford to put Sound in the Seeding school. ", thanks God, she is so cute.

Starbucks in NKSP is our mobile office, I can see our employee use it often, to conduct businee conversation with vendor, to handle internal discussion or for relax with a break.

Typhoon Lilin is approaching, I don't know if this climate change will impact on the scheduled negocaiton between HQ and Dominate Carrier, Act of God impose you to think twice; we wait and wait and wait.



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