
Spend a few hours with Jonathan this morning, we had our first weekly review at the Starbucks, before the review session, I sent him a review format in order to organize our conversation, just like every meeting must be opened with an agenda, the review guidance is for facilitation our conversation; the interactive communication between us is healthy, in addition to his item by item oral report, I provide my comment in a broader view without limit the imagination he might have; open question with open answers is the way I lead him to a self learning process; as I mentioned to him, in a start up, training an intern is additional loading to employee, they did to create new assignment or task and to train this person, in stead of allocation what's on hand and having someone to share their job; so, it's kind of difficult to design this program, but to observe and to think what can be done better are the keys I want him to stay focus, this might help him release the tension of heavy learning.bring him to the Wodon restaurant in the back of the park, on our way, I told him my way of appreciating modern art, this is what I learn from Alan -- first , you must find the interpretation media -- art critic / agent / museum publications, second , you must know how to identify the beauty of " originality ", this is not a " me too " imitation, but an original coming from the art form in the first place.the noodle is as delicious as before and the conversation with Jonathan is a delight one.Spend a few hours with Jonathan this morning, we had our first weekly review at the Starbucks, before the reveiw session, I sent him a review format in order to organize our conversation, just like every meeting must be opend with an agenda, the review guildance is for faciliation our conversation; the interactive communiction between us is healty, in additon to his item by item oral report, I provide my commet in a broader view without limit the imagination he might have; open question with open answers is the way I lead him to a self learning process; as I mentioned to him, in a start up, training an intern is additional loading to employee, they did to create new assignment or tast and to train this person, in stead of allocation what's on hand and having someone to share their job; so, it's kind of difficut to design this program, but to observe and to think what can be done better are the keys I want him to stay focus, this minght help him release the tension of heavy learning.bring him to the Wodon restaurant in the back of the park, on our way, I told him my way of appricating modern art, this is what I learn from Alan -- first , you must find the intepretation media -- art critic / agent / musume publications, second , you must know how to indetify the beauty of " origniality ", this is not a " me too " imitation, but an original coming from the art form in the first place.the noodle is as dilicious as before and the converstion with Jonathan is a delight one.



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