
I didn't know that if the server's problem with Blog last night will erase what I tried to posted, in this concern, I would like to add this memory for me:

To free yourself from the reality or from the routine in life, the token is to buy yourself 2 hours to a good Europen movie, do it in weekday, do it without take day off, make an excuse for you to go, to free yourself , a 2 hours riding of imagination will give you brand new energy in life.

today is the second day of kids camp. me and my wife tend to lie on bad for longer in the morning, we got up by 9:30, went for the eel rice for lunch, this is one of my favorite Japanese restaurant in Taiwan, the only problem with this restaurant is you have to wait and line up for the eel rice, normally, for lunch, if you don't get there by 11:30, you need to wait outside for at least 30 minutes; originally, I plan to visit the National Palace Musume, but we had dim sum after eel rice and then dicided to skip this cluture event and heading for Shimingting, the Shibuya of Taiwan, the land of young and fashion.

2 movies are on my schedule, we went to Colateral for the first sceen opening, Tom crusie is very persuative, me and my wife agree that this is an interesting film, what making us intereted the most is how Tom died; a killer who slaughter people should not live long -- the is kind of a movie formula, this film follows, but to give Tom a better way to die or to die with diginity, how interesitng.

" 3 Sister of Charlie " - my translation from French to English, an animation film which shown in the art film thearter, great creative and great story, the characters they creates are abnormal, a very cartoon touch, but it won't hurt it's intepretation of people, life, culture and some human nature. the film is so clear that it don't even need lines, I thinks the whole film only generate less than 50 lines; you can tell the story when the anination devleoped, simple and clear. we enjoy this film very much.

Dinner at a sparerib port restaruant, the restarant established in 1946, much older than me, there are 2 restaurans with the same registrated trade mark on the same street, these 2 restaurant all claimed themselves the " Original Old Restaurant ", my wild guess is that the second or thrid generation split the heritage and decided to open the other restaurant with the same logo, if not, the may run the branch or frienchild business.

no kids around you, time flies, we have to pick them up tomorrow afternoon and my scheudle for tomorrow will be the same as any Sat. sports and relax,

I don't feel comfortable about the negociation between dominater telecome player and us, HQ sending negociator from Tokyo, but all the local staff need to complete task in advance and to improve the condition day by day, I feel that one of the manager is come to his limit, if we press more presure on him, he might resign any time.

I don't against negociation in such a tough situation, but I am not happy with the attitude from HQ, this is a new business jointly select by HQ and operation team, why there's no solid support or synergized resources comong from HQ and making our business development a little bit easier ? why can't deploy resources from HQ making our negociation a better and higher ground ? why shorten our breakeven commitment ? why treated this business a trash and ignor the achievement we made so far ? I had too much doubt about the ture beleve from HQ, easy come and easy go is not the way to establish a new business; if this is a political situatiion, there's no way to push people in Taiwan to save your ass every time. even in Taiwan, we are compete with our sister company in both physical and cyber channel? I just don't understand why? this is a very unfair game to play internally. this is the last strike to keeping our people together, if the turn profit gap increased and the support form HQ away, I don't think we can retain good people with us anymore; and I should look for my next venture as well.



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