
Sound and Fruit are going to Summer Camp tomorrow, this is a short version of summer camp, I found it via the internet and survery the program, it is a sub-event tie in with I-Lan kids festavial, a festival which win strong recognition ; the camp I put them in have a theme of " Experiencing the country life ", their mother don't feeling good for the past few days, Sound didn't want to follow the summer vacation regulation, to finish his homework every day, this really make his mother angry, Sound will wait until the last minutes to finish his diary home work, it pass midnight always, his mother think of not letting him go to the camp tomorrow as a panalty; until I came home tonight and accompany him finishing the home work, her mother's anger pass away.

I don't know what went wrong, wife have a difficulty teacher our kind, especially when it come to the " home work " or examination subject, she is very demaning in this area and always tried to let the kids complete the school task in perfect manner, no loose, no negociation and no give in; the temper of Sound is just like his mother, confrontation happend all the time, no one will withdraw or give in , they both holding their position tie; I don't have a say to take side cause I never think the school education will bring our kid any further, this is a complustory process, to teach our kids common sense and turn everyone the common perosn with common knowledge; I don't know if we need to buy any parenting guide; I don't have a answer now.

Finally, kids is packing now, they will have a 3 days camp in I-Lan , if they don't wake up too late miss the transportation, we will have 3 days ' noize free holidays " thank God, it's Thursday.



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