
The correspondence between me and RS. to memorize the spark in between:

Hi, Robert,
This is Roger, would like to know if everything goes well with you, I missNY and friend like you. Hope the mail find you well.Best

Dear Roger,
It's so good hearing from you. I must apologize for not staying in touch,but am always glad to hear from you.I'm sure you've heard about the merger between Sony Music & BMG.Obviously, this will have a major impact on our SMEI staff worldwide.We're actually feeling some changes now that Bob Bowlin (SMI / CEO) andRick Dobbis (SMI/ President) were let go earlier this month.Now the company has advised they want to reorganize and let go of staff.They've now asked for volunteers to leave by offering severance packages orearly-retirment (for those who qualify). After which SonyBMG may haveadditional layoffs. Needless to say, it's a very different & stressfulatmosphere here.I will keep in touch and keep you posted over the next month. (Employeeswho accept the packages must advise SonyBMG of their intentions by October5.)Now, enough about that: how are you? How is your business? And yourfamily?Good luck to you!

Dear Robert,
Aware of the merge between Sony Music and BMG, but didn't know the impactto SMEI is so significant; I am sorry to hear that my friends in Sony Musicencountered with such an unpleasant condition; I do hope you are fine andas a true friend, I will support you on every decision you make.Let me share with you a true story of mine, 3 plus years ago, when I facingthe career change and standing in the cross road with no one can consultwith, Yo Yo Ma was in town for a concert; as usual, we will have an afterconcert meet and greet with celebrity and after that an intimacy socialdinner will take place, the attendees are musicians, me, promoter and Yoyoonly; at the late supper, I told Yo yo that I will depart from Sony Musicin one month, guessed what's his response ? “Congratulations, Roger, nowyou don't have to deal with what you know and can pursue to what you don'tknow in your life ahead, enjoy and appreciate changes, you will like it ",I feel relief when heard his instinct message; actually, he is the onlyperson who understand why I decided to leave my " Good at " when standingat the peak of my career.Yo yo and I met last year, by then, So-net were Number 3 in the market andwin the best ISP recognition by governmental body, we hug and shaking handsand he didn't forget what he told me before; Robert, don't be afraid ofchange, because it is the only real thing in life.So-net is doing good, by now, we didn't launch any internet service relatedto digital music, with a scale close to 150,000 broad band subscriber (ADSL ), we are expecting the annual break even this fiscal year; franklyspeaking, I am not proud of building new business, this is a " Have to ",I am now more favor to exercise on " Want to ", a new aspect to review mylife; for the last few years, I seldom traveling, spending time with familyand obtained my MBA degree one month ago; Kids are alright, they have theirown life to live and they will facing new issues which we didn'texperienced before ( new / unknown virus, GMO and the environmental change;technology and digital gap between the rich and poor ................ ), mywife will celebrate her 40th birthday next week, I send mail to Pat Hurleyonce in a while, visiting Harold Han quarterly and shower in his wisdom.I may join public or non profit sector in next few years and contribute tothe land I live and people I love, but this is not what I can planned now.Please do keep in touch and let me know your where about, in case youdidn't keep my correspondent, they are :
Best personal regardsRoger

Dear Roger,
First, I have to thank you for your concern. Second, I truly thank you forsharing your advice.You have expressed some feelings that I have know I had buried. To behonest, I have some fears, but I also feel an excitement in the air. Ithink I'm mostly afraid of the unknown, and realize intellectually thatthere's really nothing to fear. Life should be an experiment. Life shouldnot be lived in fear. Perhaps I've been slightly paralyzed with this fear.You also touched upon another important factor - the larger picture. Lifeis more than work. It is family, friends, and society at large. To have abalanced life, work cannot take complete control. I'm so happy for youthat you not only have recognized this, but that you are attempting to liveby that creed.I will keep you posted about my situation over the next few weeks. I amtaking part of next week off to enjoy the end of the summer - as well asattend the out-of-town wedding of a good friend's daughter. During thattime I hope to be able to think quietly and objectively.In the meantime, here's my contact information (in case you don't alreadythe personal contact information):Email (home) Do take care of yourself.
Warmest personal regards,Robert
P.S. -Thanks for "being my" Yo Yo Ma!

this is how a new page of friendship is open.



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