
I woke up around 7:00 in the morning, the wind blows so strong and the rain was porung in almost horizental position, the wind is so strong that I do believe Typhoon Eli will do a lot of damange to us, the water pouring in my father's room, he've been to China for 2 weeked, we didn't locked the window last night, must be the storng wind which push the window to a semi-open, in such a typhoon night, you can't only close the window.

the scheduled lunch on Monday was postponed to today, as this is another typhoon day off, I send the short message out and call it off again, as the topic for the lunch is to gain a better picture for " out of the box " primary education, we've been thinking to move our son -- Sound to either Seeding or Forest primary school, and want to seek advice, obtain more information before this big decision, if the heavy purposely postphone this appoinment, will that means we don't need to do anything , keep him where he is now ? or wait until next semester, as the school will be opend next week, I don't have time to relocate him in next 2 days, the call goes to God right now.

almost finishing " Monk and the Riddle " the gift from C. easy reading and full of insights, lying on bad last night, I told my wife that last Friday, I saw J. Huang on TV, he is now the sepcial assistant on one of the terrical TV station, an old colleages back to Himalaya days, who I don't have a positive apprisal about, on TV, he looks young still, but how come he turned himself a " Taiwanese ? " speak nothing by Fucanese dilects, I have no objection of which language peopel carry to communicate, but as I knew this person quite well, his backgroud and education won't let him fluently speaking Taiwanese, a quietessential opportunisist, take side on which benefit his favored interest, I don't know the vacabrary equibulent to " Little man " in Chinese, he is the typical of this person. this is why I want to write it down before forget.

wind stop blowing now and rain is not heavy as early morning, I would like to take a walk in the afternoon, see the street after typhoon.



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