
Had a big fight in the car after watching the movie " Jason Boune 2 ", it was cause by her brother, who serve as the driver for me in the company, he've been my driver for several years, since the entertainment days until now, when in the record company, my schedule is all filled up with activity, he need to accompany with me even in weekends, I am not a very nice boss then and we have a quareril once outside of a club; that bad experience never really wash away from my memory; no matter how wrong my attitude was, a driver should never yeill at his boss when driving, this is so improfessional, so I suspended his job for a few days, until his sister - her wife come for the settlement and tried her best to letting us feel better;

this time, was cause by the office affair, he is dating one of our employee in other dept. it's kind of a public secret now, ( For this, I could not bear very much, as he had this record of dating with office staff in the entertainment company, although that's a no ending story ), I am not a bad guy tried to tear lovers apart, but he is a driver, don't really have funcitons in the office even I am not going out for business activity, the other girl, she is working in a dept. which requird decent performace to satisfied the company goal, but he chat, she chat, in the office hours, walking through each other's working area and teasing each other, how imbarrasing I am, the girl's supersiver didn't inform this girl about this wrong doing, I don't realy know how to handle it, so, having my wife to warm him, in the office, all the people are watching, especially know the realationship we are and seeing his behavior in the office, this is so immutual and put me in a very hard place; I am not sure if the girl's dept. staff aware it or her supervisor really understand how to correct it, but I burst out my temper last night when heard what he told my wife, I am so angry . why should I protect him ? double standard is what I tried to avoid, but it come and catch me now. I expressed my concerned to one of the manger during the coffee break , I think she told her manager about my concern, but forward a very wrong message, If I am her mangers, I will talk to my superior and asking their advise about it and I will carefully examine her performance; but for him, I am his direct report, I've been indugence to him for too long, forget to tell him the decipline to work in such a big multi-national company, they understand why I need a relative to be my driver, but they won't accept the guy to be a previlige one.

My wife is like the ham in the sandwitch, listen to all the complains,( including me ) and need to accomodate her mother's wish, to keep her brother beside me, I don't understand why we should be so miserable ?

on the business side, the step I am taking on Monday is:

1. have MIS to retrive the e-mails between them in the office in office hours ( I need evidence to prove that this is a wrong doing in the office )
2. asking the truth of who dileiver what message to whom and when ?
3. summone the manger of her dept. and carefully adivse him this is the decipline everyone should follow, I am not breking any lover , but to let everyone knows I am fair to every one.
as for retain him as my driver ? I have a strong doubt and don't really want to keep him in service, he is angry about my way of business approach and don't think of me and my positon in the company, I shall have a rental car and a new driver in Oct. this is not my resposibility to bear it any more, especially when it became the starter for the fight between me and my wife, I hate it.

she don't want to talk to me now, in the car, no one is rationale, we yelled each other, although I apologied, but she don't appreciate it, why shall I beg for it again ? I will take a full day off tomorrow alone, going anywhere and free myself from this bad and emotional cage.



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